friendships and ending sentences

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I'm in the small paddock with Knight, Cecelia and some other horses, Knight was grazing quietly by himself when I walk up to him and ask, "Can I talk to you please?" "You picked John." Knight states with no emotion what so ever, I wish he would just show me how he feels, anger, sadness, something, anything.

"How did you know?" I ask with no emotion either. "By the expression on his face" he answers bluntly. "I just want to know if we can still be friends?" I ask worried of what he'll say. "Sonyadore, Sonyadore look at me" he tells me while my head hangs low, I slowly look up at him, and into his eyes.

"Your my mate, I would never be able to stay away from you, yes we can still be friends. Remember what I said before you left, that whoever you choose, as long as your happy I'm happy." He says strongly, never breaking eye contact. "Are you happy Sonyadore?" "Yes, yes I am but are you okay" I reply sadly, I know that under the flesh this would be tearing him apart, and It's all my doing.

"No I'm not okay, but I'm happy that you have chosen and are happy with your choice" he states blankly. Desperately wanting to change the subject I say "race yah" "Oh no you don't, I'm winning this time, a stallion needs his pride!" he laughs as he chases after me.

"Skylar do you think everything is going to be okay?" I ask while running. "Yes I do, but there's something I have to tell you. Your domestic now, which means you don't need me anymore, your fine on your own, you have your mate and Knight is still your friend; your fine without me Sonyadore. Goodbye" she tells me sadly.

"What do mean Skylar, Skylar?" she doesn't answer

I think everything is going to be okay, even though my inner self is well, gone I guess; I've found my mate, I've got my best friend, a wonderful home, what more can I want.



First of all i would like to say thanks for reading my whole story.

okay, so i know this was a bit dodgy... but it was my first attempt at writing a full novel, also it was written over just three days.... I have started the sequel, and the chapters have been posted on my profile, please check it out, I'm almost certain that it is a MUCH better, well written and a more dramatic story than this one, so please read it and tell me if i am right or wrong.

Comment if your excited for the sequel/ are going to read it.

Edit: Who would read a rewrite of this story? It will be extended and much longer and dramatic. Please comment yes or no, you have no idea how much i will appreciate it<3

Love Bree

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