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"We're here kids" mum says smiling. We scramble out of the car keen to shift again, once were out we shift and we're all Arabians but I'm the only black one, mum, dad and Jameson are all light bays. We walk through the forest a bit and see the herd, and Kaleesi. "Kaleesi" I yell out while galloping up to her and falling over. "Still getting used to your new legs hey, you mustn't be much older than eleven then?"

"You know how old I am auntie Kaleesi, you saw me last week, so yes I am eleven and a half. Before when I was a potential shifter I used to come out here with my family still, and talked with everyone when my family shifted back to humans, even Kaleesi. She chose to come and live out here and be a horse because she liked the quiet life as being a horse.

"Let's run, let's run!" I say galloping over to mum, dad and Jameson. Jameson is two years older than I am so he has had lots of practice to be a horse, whereas me I'm still getting used to my new legs. "You go see Samson and have fun" "Okay dad, see you when you come over!" "Okay!" mum yells back happily.

"Samson!" I scream out, while galloping up to him, he's the same age as me, so we're getting used to our new shifter bodies together, he's Kaleesi child, that's how he's a shifter. "Sonyadore!" Samson yells out with a mouthful of fresh green grass. "Back again already?" "You know you missed me" I tease.  "Yes, yes I did." He answers.

I hear the thunder of hoof beats against the ground, I turn around and my eyes go wide. There were many men coming around the mountain on horses. The urgent and rough way they were coming at us showed they weren't here for friendly chatting.

"Sonyadore, Sonyadore!" "Mum, Mum where are you" I look around frantically and there she is, still standing where I left her. I start to gallop over to her for comfort. "No Sonyadore, go run into the forest, be safe!" she screams out to me while galloping away in the other direction. "No, I'm not leaving without you." I yell back. "Samson where are you going?" I yell at him, watching him gallop off towards his mum "one of the men pulled out a gun "Bang!" "Nooooo, Samson!" I scream at the top of my lungs, as his limp body comes crashing down to the ground.

 I look over to my family not knowing what to do; the men were headed straight for my family. "Mum!" but it's too late, the men reached them and were galloping behind them. The men pulled out a gun each "bang, bang, bang!".


Sorry It's so short, i wanted to leave it there, what did you think? :D

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Love Bree

The Arabian horse shifter (Book 1)Where stories live. Discover now