Troubled feelings

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When we get there it stirs up memories, memories of my family, my herd, when Knight and I first met. But I try to remember the good times. When Kaleesi took me in, when I would frolic around with the foals. Talking about stallions we has crushes on with mares my age. We still fall in love with others like humans, but when we find our mates, It's more special than any normal relationship. My problem is I have two.

John gets off my back and shifts, strange but not unexpected. "Can we talk?" I ask. "Yeah I was about to ask you that question actually." He says surprised. "I have feelings for you, and I know that's because your my mate but these feelings are stronger than what I feel for Knight. I didn't feel them when we first found out that we were mates, but now the feeling are uncontrollable" I say in such a rush I'm surprised I pronounced my words properly. He just looks at me without saying anything, making the situation really uncomfortable, well more than it already is.

"Please say something?" I ask quietly looking at the ground. If I was in human form, I think my face would be as red as a beetroot. "Who do you choose?" surprised by the question I look up at him. His head is held up strong, a true alpha.

"I choose you" I say looking him dead in the eye. It hurts so much to say that, to do this to Knight. I just hope he finds someone else without a mate and falls in love with her. She will be one lucky girl. John walks up to me and nuzzles my shoulder moving up to my neck, every touch sending electricity through me.

"What about Knight?" he asks quietly. "I still love him, but I love you more." I say with a strained voice. "Do you want to go for a run while we're here?" he asks cheekily. "Okay" I say equally cheeky. I Know It sounds like I'm already over Knight, but that's impossible. No one, I repeat no one can fall out of love with their mate, sadly in this situation. But this way is the best way to try to get over the pain I will cause to Knight, to try to move on.

We frolic and chase and graze and lie down together, for hours on end. "The sun is starting to set" John says yarning from lying in the grass for too long, my head lies on his shoulder. If any human saw this they would think it was extremely deranged looking. But to me, it was like I was lying on clouds.

I try to get up, stumbling on the way; John catches me before I meet the ground again, he did this by extending his neck so mine locked over his and haul my weight up. "Thank you, that would not have ended well" I laugh "anything for my lady" he responds. "Such a gentlemen" I answer, my mood happy, until I see Knight again that is. Hopefully we can still be friends. But when I think about it, it felt like we were just close friends from the start. But with John, I know I'm in love.

"You better shift then Guinness" I laugh as I watch him start walking towards home. "I knew that, I was testing you, and you passed, congratulations!" he lies. "I love you" I say confidently, catching him off guard. "I love you too" he says as he walks over and nuzzles my shoulder. I love it when he does that.

He shifts and gets dressed with the spare clothes he had and we're off, off towards were we can't be together, to where we can't even communicate. I don't know if I'm just imagining it, but when John rides me, It's like there's this invisible connection between us, but when anybody else rides me, nothing. This is the part of day that I will look forward too.


thank you to anyone and everyone that have read/reading my story :D 

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Love Bree

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