The stables

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We walk over a grazed hill as the sun is setting and end our three hour walk, White Knight told me how long the walk goes for and I see it, my future. It's got many fences and paddocks. With horses everywhere, some quietly grazing together with others bucking and rearing trying to get riders and saddles off their backs.

"Your right White knight that looks awful" I tell him. "What looks awful?" he asks casually, he's a very laid back horse isn't he. That's not a bad thing either. "The horses that are bucking and rearing and stuff." "Oh yeah, see not very nice. It's much better doing what they want than doing that for days on end." He replies with a sigh.

We walk into a stable and the riders jump off their horses including Knights rider and lead their horses behind me. People are surrounding us, whispering and asking questions such as "why is she so quiet" and "is she hurt" or even "did you drug her". "I'm guessing It's rare to be calm when your new around here?" I ask White Knight curious. "Hey can I call you Knight?" "Yeah, how come?" he asks still casual.

"Well White Knight is a bit long, but It's okay if you don't like it." "I love it" he tells me happily. "I'm so glad you're my mate." I tell Knight. "Not as glad as I am to have you as a mate." He replies. "You sure about that, you're a pretty laid back horse and a quite nice looking one too" I say confidently. "Says the black Arabian, black Arabians are as good looking as they come" he chuckles. "I'm flattered" I say truthfully. "Well I mean it" "you're a real charmer aren't cha." I reply with butterflies in my stomach.

By now were at the end of the stable and I get walked onto a roomy stall with hay and oats in buckets on the ground with crystal clear water in a water trough on the wall. "Thought they should be next to each other, seeming how well they get along, it will help her settle in better" the man leading me tells the others confidently. Well so far this experience is all good. I don't have any family that I left behind, instead I gained family, I gained my mate.

The men are still so shocked by how calm I am and are still nervous and watch my every move around me, they think I'm waiting for a chance to strike out at them. "Are you sure she's a mustang, what if she's a stray that broke out of her paddock or something?" asks the man that lead me into the stall and took off the rope around my neck, which may I tell you was a relief. That rope was rubbing against my neck for the past three hours. But I kept myself from rearing or bolting, thanks to Knight.

"she might be, but she's ours now" answers the man that was riding knight. These people don't seem to be the men that shoot us mustang. Well not me anymore I'm a humans horse now, I sigh to myself. "You okay girl, your very quiet aren't ya" says the man that lead me in here, his still in my stall standing slightly in front of me on the left.

He reaches his hand out and I start to freak out, I take a step back flaring my nostrils and pinning my ears back, the man yanks his hand back. "What should I do knight, I'm scared, help me" "It's okay Sonyadore, his just trying to pat you, to earn your trust. It's okay let him, trust me." He reassures me. "I trust you" I say back.


It's funny that I freaked out because when I was a potential shifter, 'which means not ready to shift yet or not eleven yet ' I knew I was going to be a horse when I shifted so I became horse mad and learnt everything I could about them.  So I knew he was only going to pat me, I guess living in the wild for four years does something to your sanity.  

I think about it for a second and decide to walk up to the man who looks about thirty with short dark brown hair and tanned skin. He looks shocked at first then calms down and reaches his hand out slowly. Not quite reaching me yet. I lean forward and press my nuzzle into his hand.

"Good girl, you're such a good girl aren't you?" says the man while he glides his hand up my forehead, it actually feels quite nice in its own way. With that he leaves the stall and locks the door with a grin and walks away with everyone else, including Knight. "Where are you going Knight" I yell out to him scared to be alone. "It's okay I'll be back soon besides our stalls are next to each other remember." Then he is out of sight, I'm all alone.


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Love Bree

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