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"Knight" I gasp as he shifts back to his horse form. "Who'd guess we were all shifters let alone all horses?" says a light chestnut thoroughbred, Natalie. "I suspected that you were a shifter by how calm you were, until you threw me off, what was with that?" John asks. "Well, did you want me to shift while you were on me?" I ask a little worried about what he'll think when I say he's not my only mate let alone the mate I don't choose.

"Well we're mates so it wouldn't be that weird, would it?" John states to me. "Your wrong, she's my mate, blazer my inner horse told me!" Knight says a little too harsh and loud.

"Well sorry but my inner horse, Tyler told me that she was my mate!" John says emphasising on the 'me' and also to loud and harsh. "Tell him Sonyadore, that I'm your mate, you felt it didn't you?" Knight pleads.

"Yes, yes I felt it, but well, I felt it for both of you" I stutter out. What do I do? "Natarlia is that true?" John asks "It's Sonyadore her name is Sonyadore!" Knight yells at him. "It's impossible, it has to be, I have never heard of someone having two mates. Some don't even find their mates." Natalie blurts out. I forgot she was even there.

"No It's not impossible, just extremely rare!." I tell everyone louder than I meant. "Well who do you choose then, me or John who you just met?" Knight asks almost coldly. "I choose you, of course I choose you Knight." I tell him my voice strained. I'm scared to look at John, he just found his mate, and now she's rejected him. It's unheard of, and it just happened to him. That's what shifters live for, to find their mates and now he found out that he doesn't have one. Ouch

I decide to do it; I look and I regret it instantly. His head hangs low. "I'm so, so sorry John It's just that I don't know you, but I know Knight like I've known him forever." Wow that apology sucked. "You really feel that way?" Knight asks as he walks over to me. "Yes I do, I thought it was just because you are my mate but, I'm sorry John I don't feel that way about you" trying to make eye contact with John at that last part.

"Let's just go home; I don't want to talk about." John says sadly. I feel so bad about this but what can I do to help him, nothing. "What do I do Skylar" "Just let him calm down and think about I for a while." She answers. "Okay"

"So how are we going to do this" Natalie asks. That's a good question. "We'll have to ride you two back, it's the only way because it's not like we can run back, people will see" John answers surprisingly strong. He is probably a potential alpha, if he was part of a herd.

John and Natalie shift back and got changed into spare clothes that they had in their saddle bags. "Why do you have spare clothes?" Knight asks. "We ride out here and shift often, to run around and be a horse. Dad comes with us sometimes too." Natalie answers. That explains the clothes then. We get saddled up again and they mount. We gallop all the way home in silence. They go out and shift as a family like mine used to do all the time.

When we get back we get put into our stalls and given fresh water and hay.


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Love Bree

The Arabian horse shifter (Book 1)Where stories live. Discover now