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"Come on girl you and White Knight can go into the small paddock together" says a young girl probably my age when I'm human, fifteen nearly sixteen.

She clips a lead rope on my halter then clipped another on Knights halter; she leads us out into a small paddock on the left side of the stables. "Who is she?" I ask Knight casually. "She's the bosses daughter, Natalie." "Who is the boss?" I ask curious of the young girl. "Simon" he replies.

"Will I meet him?" "you already have, he was the one riding me." "So does that make you the boss's horse?" I ask eager to find out more about my mate "yeah, he likes how I look and how fast I am, so he said that I'll be is horse."

"I'm going to ride you later on okay, dad told me you were a great horse. He thinks you're a stray that broke out of your paddock or something. I think you're just smart. Dad named you Natarlia because it's close to my name, Natalie" "I like this girl" I pronounce to Knight. "And my brother will be coming too, he'll ride White Knight, we're going for a trail ride to the forest." She finishes. "Our first trail ride together Knight" I'm excited to go out and venture in the wild again, to be a mustang again.

"We're going to your old home Sonyadore" Knight says almost sadly. "Really, well um that will be cool I guess" I say almost bluntly. I want to go see my old home but then again I don't want to, this is my new home and I'm still settling in, it will just stir up memories.

She takes our lead ropes off and leaves. "He has a son too" I ask curious about my owner. "How old is the son" I ask curious about this new information. "Seventeen, that's a weird question for a mustang let alone a horse to ask"

"Sonyadore he suspects something, you may as well just tell him now and get it over and done with." Skylar states to me. "not yet Skylar it's not the right time." "Okay but you better do it soon it will get harder for him to take in the longer you wait." Skylar replies.

"Well I'm just a weird horse that's very curious for all subjects" I answer his question with, I hope I convinced him though.

"Okay my curious mare, want to go for a run" he asks excited, almost like a child. "That sounds great" I answer grateful the subject changed "race ya" I say as I gallop off towards the back of the paddock that is consumed in trees. It feels like I'm running home, but I'm not because this is home. "Hey that's cheating, not fair" "deal with it; you're supposed to be a Knight remember." I say looking back at him giggling.

We gallop and talk and eat and enjoy each other's company for hours. We race back to the gate we came through where the water trough is. I'm so thirsty after the workout and adrenaline rush of galloping with my partner.

"I win again" I say rubbing it in his face. "Because you cheated again." Knight laughs and scoffs at the same time. "Be gentlemen and say I won fair and square." I command. "Sonyadore, you are beautiful, strong, and fast, you won fair and square." "You are such a gentlemen, you are my knight" I say quite flattered by what he said.

"I can't believe that I've been here for nearly a week already" I say surprised by the information. "Well you've fit in so well that anyone would think that you have been here for years." He says puffing still, from the run.

With that thought I turn around and see this young man with Natalie walking up to us, I look into his dark brown eyes and can't believe what I hear. "Mate, Sonyadore he is your mate" Skylar tells me breathless. "Impossible!" I say aloud. "What, what's wrong" Knight asks concerned. "Skylar that is impossible, isn't it?" "No it's not impossible, just extremely rare." She answers quietly.

"Sonyadore, Sonyadore!" Knight yells at me. "What!?" "what's impossible Sonyadore." I can't even look at him right now, he's eyes are full of concern, for me!. What do I do, tell him or not. I don't want to upset him. All I can do is look at the ground.

"Nothing, sorry I just have seen him before and was surprised that's all." "As long as you're okay" he says in relief. That's it though I'm not alright I'm far from alright.

I have two mates.


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Love Bree

The Arabian horse shifter (Book 1)Where stories live. Discover now