Trouble in paradise

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I wake up to see Knights eyes on me. "How long have you been looking at me?" I ask skeptically "I seen you stirring, so not long" he answers calmly. "How did you sleep?" Knight asks worried. "That was the best sleep I have had all week and I can thank you for that." I reply yawning. "How did I help?" "You listened to my story, it helped to get it out and you allowed me to do that." I answer him truthfully. "Well I'm glad that I could help." He then replied. I was about to ask him how he slept but was interrupted by guess who?, Cecelia

"Surprise, surprise, the mustang is doing nothing, what's new. Oh, I'm sorry the Purebred Arabian, my bad." Cecilia says stuck up as always. "Hey Cecelia?" Knight calls out to her when she gets put into her stall. "Yeah White Knight?" she answers sweetly, such a... "Remember last year when you were broken in, you had to be the most physio horse I had ever seen and ever will." Oh burn; he really knows where to hit her.

"Yeah, now look at me, I'm their favorite jumper." I decide to take my chance. "Hate to see their worst then." I retort. And I hit her harder than Knight; she glared at me and turned around pretending that she wants a drink. Ha

"So as I was going to say, before we were so rudely interrupted was how did you sleep?" "I slept well thank you, and thank you to listening to me last night as well, it really does help doesn't it?" Knight replies. I go to say something else but am cut off by Cecelia again. "Argh your sappy love is so disgusting." Cecilia tells us rudely.

"Do you ever shut up and at least I have a mate, and if you do find your mate, gods help him." I retort earning yet another glare; she doesn't turn around this time, she's challenging me. I walk up to her wall whilst still keeping eye contact and lash my head out at her and bite the bottom of her chin bone, drawing blood. I'm so glad these stalls have low walls.

"Don't challenge me ever again" I state strong. "Yes mam" she replies not making eye contact. In the animal kingdom, herd animals like horses have ranking orders, you can challenge each other to get higher in the hierarchy as she did then, because I won she cannot disrespect me anymore, otherwise that would be challenging a mare that has more power than you. She could if she wants, but she won't because she knows how strong I am now. Most mares only challenge each other once to test their strength.

"I think you're a potential Luna" Knight tells me while laughing.

"Come on were going for a ride" It's John. My ears prick up excited wait why, This isn't the mate I choose, why do I feel so excited to see him then?, more excited than when I see Knight, no I can't say that, but that's how I feel. My ears go back with the thought, but John thinks it's because of him, well it is actually.

"What, what have I ever done to you Sonyadore." He called me Sonyadore, that's a name only Knight calls me, it sounds weird coming from someone else but strangely nice to hear him call me that.

My ears prick back up showing that I'm calm and nice again. Ahh what am I doing I'm next to both mates, and have feelings for both mates. But I told John I had no feelings for him when we went trail riding, and that I chose Knight but I'm not so sure now. Why has this become so out of control?

"Skylar what do I do, I like them both, but what do I do, I'm so confused." "I know" she answers. "How?" she can't read my mind, only what I let her hear, and this wasn't one of them. "Your body language" she states strongly. "What!, but what if Knight can tell?" "I think he can" she answers.

I look over to Knight and he's eyes are sad and lost. "Knight I don't know why I feel like this, I think it's because he's my mate too, and its inescapable." I say in a rush. "Sonyadore, if you choose him, It's okay I understand, and if you choose me, awesome. I want you to make the choice that makes you happy because if your happy, I'm happy." He says almost ghostly. "Okay" I choke out.

"Good girl, where going for a ride together, just you and me." He comes in and clips a lead rope onto my halter; we walk down the stable and turn a corner, out of Knights sight. It feels weird whenever I leave him, but not this time, it's almost comfortable. What is happening, I thought I didn't like John, but obviously I do.

He gets a brush out and runs it across by back with his other hand bare and running after the brush. Every place he touches, it sends tingles and gooses bumps. Why do I feel like this? When I'm tacked up we head out of the stable and he mount, were off at a slow gallop.

"Let's go to your old home Sonyadore."


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Love Bree

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