Going places

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After Walter left Knight and I fell asleep, I dreamed of my family that night.

"Hey mum where are we going, are we going to visit Kaleesi again?" "We sure are Sonyadore" "Yay! I love aunty Kaleesi" "We know you do, can you go tell your brother to get up and get ready please?" "Sure thing dad" I run up the stairs and beat on my brother's door. "Go away Sonyadore" "Dad told me to wake you up and tell you to get ready!" "Ready for what?" He asks with a groan. "We're going to visit Kaleesi" "Okay I'm coming, just give me a minute" "Okay".

"Sonyadore are you okay, Sonyadore wake up!" I hear a croaked voice say. "Who is that?" I ask with a croaked voice myself. "It's me Knight, I heard a noise that woke me up and looked over in your stall and you were weaving your head back and forth while saying something I couldn't understand.

"I'm okay Knight, I was just having a dream." "A bad one by the looks of it" "no actually it was a good dream". "Okay that's okay then, so you're sure you're okay?" "I'm fine thankyou Knight" feeling appreciated that he was so worried for me.

Light is streaming in through the windows, it looks almost magical. "So It's morning then, no point in going back to sleep" I tell Knight while yarning, and the truth is that I didn't want to have that dream again, It brings back to many memories.

"Yeah we can just talk or whatever" Knight suggests. "No you cannot!" demands a mare in the stall next to mine. She is a thoroughbred by the looks, a dark chestnut colour all over, even her face is fully chestnut just a lighter shade.

"I want as much sleep as possible, I have a long day at the jumps tomorrow, because I am a purebred athlete not just some mustang nobody" yep definitely a thoroughbred. "it's funny that you mention you're a purebred and I'm not because the men told each other that I'm a beauty and a purebred Arabian" "well they made a mistake their either blind or joking." The stubborn mare retorts. "Cecelia you don't have to be rude just because she is wild, I'm a mustang and you're never rude to me?" Knight confronts her.

It's funny because I'm not a mustang or a purebred Arabian, I'm a shifter. This makes me more special than her, more special than a lot of people or in this case horse. Ha!

"Yes but your different okay?" Cecelia says, "How then?" Knight pushes. "Just drop it okay!" "Well don't be rude to her anymore, she is my mate got it." Knight tells her, and by how wide her eyes went and the way she whipped her head around with no comment, it hurt.

"Guessing she likes you" I say to knight but quietly enough so Cecelia won't hear. "She likes everyone, but don't worry about it because your mate and as far as mates go, you can't chop and change." "And if you could, would you swap me" I ask him a little worried by what he is going to say. "Never" he says confidently, what a relief to hear that then something like 'probably not'.

I hear the stable door open and hear footsteps come in, please don't be Walter, please don't be Walter and what do know, It's Walter walking in my direction with a lead rope.

"Have fun Sonyadore" Knight teases me. Just then another man comes around a corner with a lead rope, headed straight for Knight. "Have fun Knight" I mimic him laughing. "Yeah, yeah" he sighs back, earning another laugh.

The men come into our stalls and clip lead ropes onto our halters. The man lightly tugs on the lead rope and clicks his tongue at the same time. I know that he wants me to walk with him but I have to act dumb, like I was not a ten year old obsessed with horses. "Knight what does he want me to do, he's confusing me?" I ask pretending.  "He wants you to walk with him." "Oh" I answer bluntly.

"Why don't you just tell him you're a shifter?" Skylar asks me. "Because what if he feels differently about me, what if he doesn't like me anymore?" "I'm pretty sure it won't matter Sonyadore wether your half horse, half human or full horse okay?" Skylar says convincingly. "Okay, but not now" "that's fine with me as long as you do it" she tells me. "Don't worry I will". Not sure when though.

By now we're out of the barn and into fresh air and wide open space. I didn't realise how cramped I felt in there. "How come White Knights coming?" asks Walter. "Well he seems to calm her down, so I thought he could be on the other side of the round yard while you work with her says the man that was riding Knight yesterday, he has dark brown hair and looks to be in his forties. He ties Knight up and walks away.

Great it's time for the saddle and bridle.


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Love Bree

The Arabian horse shifter (Book 1)Where stories live. Discover now