White Knight

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The rest of the herd got away deep into the forest thankfully no deaths, this time at least. They got away while everyone was watching me and... I don't even know my mates name.

The men said that they will come and try to catch the rest of the herd tomorrow. Hopefully Kaleesi was smart enough to move the herd away to a new place, where the men can't find them.

We head off towards, well I don't know where. I walk calmly with a rope around my neck, next to my mate. I'm not scared with my mate around. I also don't think I'm going to be harmed, I'll probably just be broken in and sold to live somewhere, being a normal broken in horse. How I know this is because I wasn't always a wild mustang. I was just a normal girl going to a school while living in a house with my family, in a normal neighbourhood.

"Why aren't you trying to get away, I know you found your mate but can you trust him Sonyadore?" Skylar asks me worried. "Yes I do trust him" I tell her, I'm glad I can talk to her in my head instead of only out loud. That would be really awkward right now, and he might suspect that I'm a shifter, or just plain crazy.

"Why is the mare not doing anything, I mean every mustang I've ever caught or seen has put up a fair fight. But this one has nothing" says a man on a light chestnut. "well her and White knight seem to be getting along well, maybe that's the reason, she's in love with White knight." Another man chuckles to the other riders. Well he's not far off it.

I decide to say something to him "so your name is White knight I'm guessing?" I ask him. "Yeah what do you think?" he replies. "I like It" I reply cheerfully, happy to be getting to know my mate. "You know my name, so what's yours?" he asks kindly. "Sonyadore, what do you think" I mimic him.

"I think I like it very much" he answers also cheerful. "So why are you so calm Sonyadore" he asks emphasising on the 'are'. "Well you said I should trust you that it's not so bad, and I believe you. Should I though?" I ask scared if he would lie to me. "What no, of cause you can trust me, were mates and even if we weren't, I still wouldn't lie to you." He tells me reassuringly.

"Okay I believe you" I say happy to have found my mate. Life as a broken in horse might not be so bad, as long as I was not sold away from my mate.

"So what happens when we get there?" I ask White knight. "Well I'm not actually sure, you will probably just be broken in, which I suggest you just do what they want you to do, no matter how weird or annoying it gets." He suggests. "Yeah that sounds so easy doesn't it?" I reply sarcastically.  

"Well I did it." He replies calmly "Were you a mustang too?" I ask surprised. "Yeah I got caught two years ago and my mum told me it would be better if I just do what they tell me, it was a better way to go trust me. I watched all the other mustangs go phyco with bucking and rearing etc. and it didn't look fun" he laughs.

"Yeah it doesn't sound nice" I reply getting a little worried as to what I'm in for. "You're more mysterious than I thought" I say to him intrigued and happy that he is my mate or that I even found my mate. "one of my many mystery's" he says. "Okay now I'm interested" I say and I mean it. "Leave that for another time I think, otherwise I wouldn't be very mysterious would I?" he asks casually. "No I guess not" I reply casual as well.

"Is mystery a good thing though Sonyadore" Skylar asks me. "You've got to calm down Skylar I trust him and believe what he says, and no mystery is not a bad thing It's interesting and besides I've got mysteries of my own remember." I reply truthfully.

We walk the rest of the way in silence including Skylar, it wasn't awkward silence it was a comfortable silence. I feel like I've known him forever, I guess that's what it is to find your mate. It wasn't far from our destination anyway.


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Love Bree

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