Columbia, Mi Encanto

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Sofía strolled back to Cabin 9, not in a hurry to arrive and tell her cabinmates the news of her newly-assigned quest. She stared at her feet as she walked, her hands in her jean pockets as she kicked a small pebble.

“Stupid gods, stupid quest, stupid miracle. Estúpido, estúpido, estúpido,” she mumbled under her breath as she continued to kick the rock.

“Hey, what’s up?” a voice asked, causing her to jump. “Oh, sorry! Didn’t mean to scare ya,” She looked up to see Percy standing near her, grinning sheepishly.

She shrugged it off. “It’s fine,”

“What’s on your mind?”

“Got assigned some damn quest,” Percy snickered when she said those words. “What’s so funny, idiota?”

Percy stopped laughing and shrugged. “Inside joke. But what’s the quest, Soph?”

Don’t,” she warned, “call me that,”

“Okay, okay! Sorry!” he said as he put his hands up in surrender.

“Gracias, idiota. Anyways, the quest… it’s in Columbia and I’m the only one going.”

“Columbia?! That’s a different country!”

She sighed. “Idiota, you’re really slow on picking up information today, even for you,”

“Why do you keep calling me that?” Percy whined.

“Because I can,” Sofía shot back, causing the demigod to groan. “But I have to go there to save some ‘miracle’ that Hecate apparently gave fifty years ago to the ‘magnificent Madrigal family’!”

“How do you even save a miracle?”

She shrugged. “Dunno. Chiron only told me to befriend the Madrigals when I asked him.”

“When will you be back?” he asked her.

“I don’t know. I should’ve asked that. Gods, I’ve fallen to your level of intelligence, idiota,” Sofía sighed.

“Hey!” Sofía just laughed at his response. Percy huffed before asking, “So… when are you going to leave?”

“Tonight. When the sun sets.”

Tonight?!” he exclaimed.

“Sí,” she nodded, sighing. “But I don’t want to go. And I have to tell mi hermanos y hermanas about this dumb quest.”

“…Want me to come with you?”

“Sure. Gracias, idiota,”

“No problemo, Sofía Valdez!” He linked arms with her. “Now tell me, what does idiota mean?”

“Take off the ‘a’, idiota!”


She laughed as they walked towards the Hephaestus cabin. When they entered the cabin, however, the grins melted off of their faces.

“What’s wrong?” Nyssa asked when she saw the two friends.

“Chiron wanted to see me because the gods want to send me on a quest.”

“What? But we just got back from war!”

“I know. But that’s not the worst part. The quest… It's in Columbia. I don’t know how long I'll stay there, but I will leave tonight at sundown.”

“Columbia?! Tonight?!” Nyssa exclaimed.

Sofía nodded, removing her arm from Percy’s. “Tonight. And I have no idea what I’m doing… Chiron only told me that I had to save a miracle Hecate gifted a family fifty years ago.”

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