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A woman in her late twenties held a small child as she stood beside a man with dark curly hair who was wearing a yellow ruana. She smiled at the young girl with short, curly, shoulder-length hair as she slowly ascended the stairs up to the couple.

Camilo put his arm around her as if saying, “It’s alright, there’s no need to worry. She’ll be fine,”

Sofía nodded, putting her hand on her husband’s. Jason squirmed in her arms, seeming excited to see what his sister’s gift would be.

Mirabel lowered the candle to Esperanza’s height so the girl could touch it. She nodded her little head as Mirabel spoke about what the miracle really was about, not being something just to benefit the family, but something to help everyone in need.

Esperanza took a deep breath and shakily made her way over to the glowing door. It glowed brightly, shining in everyone’s eyes, blinding everyone momentarily. Then, the golden light faded, revealing a carving of Sofía’s daughter surrounded by ghost-like figures.

“Mami,” the girl said. “I see Abuela,”

Sofía’s eyes filled with tears. Her daughter’s gift was to see the dead and she could see her mother.

“We have a new gift!” Mirabel said, smiling.

A girl with long hair smiled brightly. “You did it, hermanita!” She began to tickle her sister, making Esperanza squeal.

“Stop, Silena!” she giggled.

“Who’s Silena? I’m María from the rat telenovelas!” Silena turned into a rat and scampered away, leaving the five-year-old girl absolutely delighted.

“¡Papi!” the girl cried with joy as her father picked her up.

“You are amazing, mija bonita,” Camilo said, putting his forehead up against Esperanza’s.

Jason giggled in his mother’s arms, reaching out to his older sister. “Jay-Jay!” Esperanza exclaimed, kissing the top of her brother’s head.

“Tonight was perfect, amor,” Camilo said to his wife. “And we’ll have another one in three years,”

“And another in five,” she added, referencing the large baby bump she had.

Sofía was home. She felt peace at last. Maybe being a demigod wasn’t the best, but she had found a way to make the best of her life. She held her son close and whispered, “I wish you were here, Mami,”

“She is!” little Esperanza piped up. “She says she’s proud of you! And that she loves you very much,”

“I love you too, Mami,” Sofía replied, failing at refraining from crying.

“Did someone ask for entertainment?” came Leo’s voice.

“¡Tío! ¡Tío!” Esperanza cried, reaching out to her uncle from her father’s arms.

Calypso smiled as she stood beside Leo, holding a small, two-year-old child.

“Want a breath mint?” Leo offered his niece.

Sofía squeezed her husband’s hand and her smile widened as she watched her beautiful family have the time of their lives. “Nothing could be more perfect,”

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