Past Life

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“Camilo!” Mirabel cried. “Look out!”

Camilo ducked, dodging another boulder. “Sofía!” he yelled from the ground. He looked at the curly-haired boy, who looked hopeless. He couldn’t help but realize how similar he and Sofía looked. It was then that he realized who he was. “You’re Leo, right?”

Leo nodded as he dodged his own boulder, joining Camilo on the ground. “Yeah… do I know you?”

Camilo shook his head. “No, but I know your sister. Sofía told me all about you,”

“And she told me nothing about you.” Camilo’s face fell if that was even possible at this point. “Then again, we only had a few minutes to catch up before we had to stop everyone from being killed…”

Mirabel threw stones as she dodged the attacks of an invader. Leo stood back up and reached into his tool belt to get a wrench to throw at the invader. He grabbed a container of breath mints, however. “Better than nothing,” he muttered before he started to chuck breath mints at any invader that crossed his path.

“Death by fresh breath!” he cried when Camilo gave him a questionable look.

“You are so weird…” Camilo murmured.

“Look who’s talking,”



“Man, I wish I had Festus,” Leo said. “Then I could take them out easily,”

“You wish you had a fetus?!” Camilo exclaimed. “How would that solve anything?!”

“Festus!” Leo corrected. “My big metal dragon!”


“Hades, I’m so dumb!” Leo exclaimed, slapping his forehead. He threw the container of breath mints to Camilo before he lit his hand on fire and started to throw flames at the invaders, watching them slap their butts, arms, legs, foreheads, whatever the fire was on in an attempt to put out the flames, amused.

Camilo cracked up and started to pelt Leo’s supply of breath mints at his latest victims.

“Nice to know that I could’ve been dead and you’re cracking up about our enemies slapping their butts,”

“Sofía?!” the two exclaimed.

“You’re alive…” Camilo gasped.

“But… how?”  Leo spluttered out.

“Um… well… I just found out that I’m fire resistant too?” she said.

Leo’s eyes widened. “Um… wow…”

“Enough gaping at me! Aren’t we supposed to be fighting in a battle?!”

“But Sofía… how… Greek fire…” Leo started to protest.

“Aren’t we supposed to be fighting?” she repeated.

“Right, right,” Leo mumbled, continuing to summon fire and throwing it.

Sofía left the two boys to… do whatever they were doing… She had to see if Esmeray had survived.

She returned to where the wall of Greek fire started to subside and found no proof that Esmeray was ever there, even after examining the ground on her hands and knees. This meant either of the two options; one, she was obliterated in the fire or, two, she managed to escape. She hoped it was the first option. It probably was the case, as no one could survive that unless they were immune to fire or immortal… but she decided to investigate just in case.

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