The Never-Ending Quest

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Sofía laid on her bed in the nursery, wondering what she was missing. The past few weeks have been replaying through her mind. She couldn’t figure out what she needed to do and why she hadn’t returned.

She knew she was missing something that was right in front of her, she had to be. If that wasn’t the case, then she would already have returned to Camp Half-Blood.

She stared at the ceiling, questioning everything she had done since she had arrived in Colombia. She had to have missed something, right?

“Everything’s been different,” she sang softly.

“Since you left.

“Everything’s changed

“Now that you’re gone.” She started to dance around her room.

“So, guess I have to fight another battle,

“Take down all the new demons,

“Because one quest isn’t good enough,

“We need the never-ending quest!” She slammed open the nursery and sang this loudly, not caring who heard her.

“The never-ending quest!

“Abre los ojos,

“¡Abre los ojos!

“Open your eyes!

“To the never-ending quest,” Dolores peaked out of her room as she saw the girl starting to wander through the halls.

“Go save a miracle,

“That’s all there is to it, right?”

“I guess that’s not how it works

“When you’re controlled by the gods.

“So, guess I have to fight another battle,

“Take down all the new demons,

“Because one quest isn’t good enough,

“We need the never-ending quest!

“The never-ending quest!” Camilo and Mirabel joined Dolores, curious to see what was going on and where the singing was coming from.

“Abre los ojos,

“¡Abre los ojos!

“Open your eyes!

“To the never-ending quest!

“Open up your eyes,

“You have to see what’s in front of you,

“Open your eyes,

“There’s no way to win the battle.

“There’s no start,

“No stop,

“The pain is eternal in the

“The never-ending quest!

“Abre los ojos,

“¡Abre los ojos!

“Open your eyes!

“To the never-ending quest!

“The never-ending quest,” She repeated, singing much softer.

She barely had time to breathe before Camilo decided to run over and act like the idiot he usually was.

“Why were you singing? I didn’t know you could sing! What was that song about? Did you write it yourself?”

Sofía only rolled her eyes. However, Dolores did not want to drop the subject. She immediately regretted singing loudly for everyone to hear. No one knew she was a demigod and she had planned to keep that information to herself. By bringing up the word ‘quest’, she just brought a buttload of questions upon herself.

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