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Sofía returned to the battlefield, sore and weak, but feeling accomplished. She had many cuts on her body, but she didn’t pay attention to the pain, making it feel like it was nonexistent.

“Sofía!” Leo cried out, dropping his hammer to the ground. He ran to her. “Sofía, what happened?”

Her fingers felt weak, her hands trembled. She had killed a demigod. She actually killed a human being. She dropped her sword, making a loud clatter. She felt dizzy like she might pass out…

“Sofía,” he said, catching her before she fell too. “Are you okay?”

“I… I killed her… She’s dead because of me,”

Leo’s brow furrowed. “It’s not your fault. You had to do whatever it took to save Encanto. You are a hero, mi hermanita,”

“I’m not, Leo. I didn’t do anything but kill her! I could’ve saved her from this fate! But I instead secured this path because we fell down that cliff!”

“Sofía! Stop blaming yourself! You keep doing this!”

She opened her mouth to argue, but she never got the chance to do so. Her eyesight was blinded by a golden light. When her vision finally kicked back in, she saw that the remaining invaders had been flung out of the Encanto and there were twelve figures in front of her that were not in Colombia before.

“Lord Zeus, what are you doing here?” Sofía asked, trying to make her tone as innocent as possible. She wasn’t in the mood to be incinerated on the spot.

Zeus did look offended, however, but Hera refrained him from doing anything. “Young demigods, you’ve defeated the enemy—”

“No, really?” Sofía scoffed.

“She’s in shock!” Leo rushed out before the gods could harm his sister. “She’s in shock that she killed Esmeray,” he repeated in a calmer tone.

“Does this mean… that… that I can go back to Camp?” Sofía asked.

“Yes,” Zeus answered, seeming somewhat annoyed. He waved his hand and an Iris Message-like portal opened up, displaying Camp Half-Blood.

Leo held out his hand to his sister, but she shook her head. “You go ahead. Let me say goodbye first,” she insisted. Leo nodded, going through the portal to Camp Half-Blood as Sofía ran off towards Camilo and Mirabel before any of the gods could say anything.

“Camilo… Mirabel…”

“You’re leaving… aren’t you?” Camilo said, making no attempt to hide his disappointment.

“Yeah…” She hugged Mirabel. “Don’t forget me, okay?”

“I won’t ever be able to, Sofía,” Mirabel replied, unable to keep her tears from leaking out.

Sofía turned to Camilo. “Camilo…” When she looked into his sad eyes, a realization came to her.

“Are you ready to go home now, demigod?” Zeus spat.

She looked back at Camilo. She couldn’t leave him. She couldn’t leave anyone in Encanto. “I already am home,”

“What—?” Camilo started to say but Sofía cut him off with a kiss.

Aphrodite wasn’t the only one squealing. Dolores and Isabela were grinning, knowing they had succeeded in setting the two up.

“Suit yourself,” Zeus said, closing up the portal.

The golden light blinded them once more and the gods were gone.

“So… those were the Greek gods?” Camilo said, shifting his feet as he awkwardly looked down at the wilting grass beneath his feet.

“Yeah… Zeus is kinda… well… he’s interesting…” Sofía laughed. “Now, I think we’re long overdue for sleep,”

“Yeah, we are,” Camilo agreed, taking Sofía’s hand. “Care for a sleepover?”

“I’d be honored to be graced by the Camilo Madrigal’s presence!”

“I know, I’m just so amazing, aren’t I?”

“Totally, mi camaleon,” Sofía snorted, rolling her eyes. And the two walked hand-in-hand into Castia’s welcoming doors.

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