Nightmares and Embarrassment

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With an aching back and head — and heart — and a sore throat, Sofía stood up who knows how long later. She rubbed her red, puffy eyes and left to search for Mirabel.

Nervously, she fidgeted with her hair, twisting the dark curly strands between her fingers as she roamed the halls of Casita.

The sound of a rat squeaking snapped her out of her nervous habit. She watched the rat crawl behind a painting on the wall, carrying an arepa con queso in its mouth.

“Hey! Watch where you’re going!”

“Oh, lo siento…” she mumbled before she looked up at who she had crashed into. Except… the person standing in front of her was herself.

Camilo Madrigal shapeshifted back into himself, an eyebrow raised at Sofía. “What were you looking at?”

“I thought I saw a rat carrying an arepa con queso but I’m probably just seeing things,” she replied, flushed slightly of embarrassment.

“Are you… blushing?”

“No, it’s probably just the lighting,” Sofía rushed out.

“...Okay then,” was all Camilo said.

“Have you seen Mirabel?” she asked him, eager to change the topic.

“She’s putting up some decorations that she made or something, I think. Why? Do you need something?” Camilo responded.

The demigod shrugged. “Not really. I just don’t know what I’m supposed to be doing. What’s going on today with all the decorations and food?” she asked.

“Oh, mi hermano, Antonio, has his gift ceremony today, meaning he gets his power tonight!” he said, his eyes dancing with excitement.

She smiled. “What do you think his power’s going to be, chameleon?”

“Chameleon?” Camilo questioned.

“You can change your appearance at will like a chameleon can. Plus, your name kinda sounds like it. But, what do you think your brother’s gift will be?”

He thought for a moment before saying, “I think something to do with animals. He loves them.”

Sofía nodded. “That makes sense.”

“Now… Sofía, right?”


“Uh… I was wondering who Leo is…”

“Was,” she whispered, her face falling. Don’t cry, she told herself, Not now. She turned away from him, refusing to look at his face in case the tears did fall.

“Hm?” Camilo tilted his head, his curly hair bouncing as he did so. He was either confused or hadn’t heard what she had said.

“Leo’s my brother,” she said, a little louder, but she didn’t meet his eyes. “And he looks just like you,”

“Why are you upset? Do you not like him as a brother?”

“No…” A few tears leaked out, slowly running down her cheeks.

“Then do you not like how similar we look?”

“No,” she repeated, her voice louder this time. “It has nothing to do with that,” She wiped her eyes. “I-I should go and see if yo necesito ayudar a tu familia.”

“Wait-” he started to say but he was too late, for Sofía had already turned away and started to head towards the kitchen.

“Hola, Julieta,” Sofía greeted the woman when she entered the kitchen.

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