Chapter 25 (Ending ಥ‿ಥ)

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Jungkook's Pov :-
I opened the door of the mansion. But the scene there makes my heart flutter. Happy tears are rolling down my cheeks.

The whole mansion is decorated. All the family members and friends are standing there in the living room smiling and looking great as always. Home sweet home, finally I am back here with all the people I love and care about. But the most important person of my life is standing next to me. This is the best feeling.

I turned towards Soo to see her reaction and I am totally shocked that she is shocked too. Our parents came near us before we ask anything "Kids, get down to work" Mom said and our friends (Jennie, Rose, Lisa, Jin, Suga, J-Hope, Namjoon, Jimin) marched towards us. Girls take Jisoo to her room and the boys dragged me to the guest room. I am confused.

As we enter in the guest room Jin opened the cabinet and pulled out a black tuxedo. I am more confused now. "Hurray up and wear this, we don't have much time" Namjoon said.

"I will wear it but first you have to tell me what's going on" I asked backing from their grips. But unfortunately Namjoon and J-Hope again pulled me towards them. "You will know soon" Suga said in his usual tone like he don't f*cking care what's going on, he just wants to do his task quickly and sleep again.

Everyone is now in their tuxedo's and I am also one of them. Well I didn't wanted to but I was forced to wear it

(a/n - I didn't get his pic in tuxedo but he is looking hot in this suit too)

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(a/n - I didn't get his pic in tuxedo but he is looking hot in this suit too).

*End of Jungkook's Pov*

Jisoo's Pov :-
"Girls, slow down, otherwise my butt will be against the floor the next second" I said to them. They giggled and Jennie said "We won't let anything happen to you and your butt" . "Yeah, that's for sure" Rose and Lisa said in unison. We entered my bedroom and I sat on the bed while the others entered my closet. "Hey guys, what are you doing in my closet" I asked curiously. After the short bickering in my closet they came out with a very beautiful white wedding gown, white heels with diamond attached at the front and jewelleries.

Is what I am thinking is happening?? Am I really getting married?? Thinking this a fresh drop of Tear rolled down my cheeks. "Awww, Sooya please don't cry. We don't want the bride with puffy eyes" Lisa said and the other two smiled. I nodded towards them and smiled. Okay let's get down with this. ☺️

(a/n - This is the wedding gown of Jisoo)

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(a/n - This is the wedding gown of Jisoo)

After 2 hours, we are ready. I mean I am already looking like a proper bride now with the veil and flower bouquet in my hands and my bridesmaids are wearing white frocks, looking marvellous as ever.

"Sooya, you are the most beautiful looking bride I have ever seen" Rose said pulling me into a hug. Lisa and Jennie also joined us and stayed like this into each other's arm until a knock sounds. We all pulled apart. Lisa opened the door and entered Taehyung into the room wearing a light blue suit.

 Lisa opened the door and entered Taehyung into the room wearing a light blue suit

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He's looking great. But I am more excited to see my bunny in his wedding suit.

"Let's go" Taehyung said forwarding his hand for me.
I placed my hand in his palm. He then put my hand on his arm and we exited my bedroom with my girls on the back. We came downstairs there I see my daddy standing near the back door of our mansion which leads to the garden.

"Uncle, here you go" Taehyung said to Dad and slowly removed my hand from his arm but daddy stopped him. What happened now? " Son, I want you to walk my Princess down the aisle" Dad said to Taehyung. "Okay, then" Taehyung smiled and again put my hand on his arm. He turned towards me and smiled and I also smiled back. Daddy exited the back door and take the mic for an announcement.

"Thank you everyone, for joining us today. Today is my precious daughter and the heiress of the Kim's group, Kim Jisoo is getting married with my best friend's son and the heir of Jeon's group, Jeon Jungkook. Our groom is already here on the stage, make some noise for the bride" Daddy said and everyone starts clapping. The door opened and we entered the garden. I turned to see Taehyung smiling, once a time I wanted to marry this guy. But the one standing on the stage is the one I love the most in this lifetime. He's my best friend, my bunny, my fiance, my soon to be husband, my everything. I want to spend my life with this person.

We reached the stage and Taehyung take off my hand and placed it on Jungkook's hand. I can't help but smile at the scene. "Here you go bro. I am giving my childhood sweetheart to you. Don't make her cry ever otherwise I will take her away from you" Taehyung said and backed away from the stage.

I stand in front of Jungkook and my hands are still in his hands. We made eye contact and still are looking at each other until the father starts the rituals.

*End of Jisoo's Pov*

Father :- In the name of holy gods, I will start the ceremony now.
Mr. Jeon Jungkook, do you take Miss. Kim Jisoo to be your wedded wife, to have and to hold from this day forward, for better, for worse, for richer, for poorer, in sickness and in health, to love and to cherish, till death do you both part.

Jungkook :- Yes, I do. ( Smiling)

Father :- Miss. Kim Jisoo, do you take Mr. Jeon Jungkook to be your wedded husband, to have and to hold from this forward, for better, for worse, for richer, for poorer, in sickness and in health, to love and to cherish, till death do you part.

Jisoo:- Yes, I do. ( Smiling)

Father :- You may now exchange your rings.

Jisoo forwarded her hand and Jungkook take her hand in his and put the ring on the ring finger and kissed it. Jisoo take Jungkook's hand in her hand and put the ring on his ring finger and kissed it like Jungkook did. Jungkook blushed by Jisoo's action.

Father :-According to the Gods holy law, I pronounce you both Husband and Wife. You may now kiss the bride. (To Jungkook)

Jungkook pulled Jisoo near him and whispered in her ear "You are looking so beautiful" and kissed her. Everyone started clapping. After 30 seconds they pulled apart and Jungkook take the mike and said "Sooya, I wanted to say this to you from a very long time, finally I can say this with everyone present here, I love you, I love you my love, my bestie, my wifey, I love you to the end of this world. You are mine and I am yours, from now on you are Kim Jeon Jisoo wife of Jeon Kim Jungkook" . Tears rolled down Jisoo's cheeks and Jungkook again kissed her. Everyone started clapping.


The End.
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