60. Hoping against Hope

177 25 8

Words Count- 2270
Attached Song - Darmiyaan


"Ma'am, Is it fine?" I nodded, patting his shoulder.

"Keep doing," I nudged the new intern under me as I proceeded to discard my gloves and coat since it was the end of my shift.

Switching on my phone, three missed calls from my mother-in-law reminded me of my pending visit to Mehta Mansion. Hence, I decided to stop by the hospital canteen to have a cup of coffee and then, leave for Mehta Mansion.

The hustle- bustle of the hospital was at the peak in the mid-evening as I strolled towards the vacant yet leisurely canteen, where a few interns and senior doctors relieved themselves, apart from the ear-deafening sirens of ambulance and the prompt yet hurried interventions of the doctors.

"My usual coffee, please." I ordered as the girl behind smiled, quickly getting on her feet to get it ready while, I sat the corner window table of the canteen, viewing the sky. The pale canvas, losing its colour to the darkness, inch by inch.

"Here, ma'am." I thanked her, holding the cup of steaming delight.

Sipping slowly, I sinked in the window view as my eyes went moist on their own. I could feel myself slipping away, with no one to catch me as I escape.

Before my thoughts could end, the cup of coffee went empty, urging me to get up and drive away to my next destination.

"I'm on the way to Mehta Mansion, Papa." I replied to my father's worried voice through the speaker as I drove the car.

"Drive safe, princess. Come back soon." I nodded, then, focused back on the road after bidding him a bye.

With a swift turn, my car rolled into the parking area of the mansion, before I turned the keys, letting the engine rest.

"It's already 7:50" I murmured as I hopped off the car and walked briskly into the mansion. A sudden jolt of sharp pain in my abdomen made me stop on my tracks as I sat on the cemented rear end of the fountain for a while, clutching my stomach.

After a few minutes, I padded to the main door and let the door bell ring to let know of my presence.

I heard a soft shuffling after which the door opened ajar, viewing a plump figure of Kiara Di, holding her protruding tummy. I smiled at her, gently having her in my arms as my hands touched the swell of her stomach, delightedly asking her the health status of her growing foetus.

"Neha," I stilled for a moment, hearing Maa's voice as I walked towards her and touched her feet, showing my respect.

She touched my head, hugging me close as she made me to sit on the living room with her.

"Kia, hope you are taking proper rest. Don't walk around so much." Kiara Di nodded as she sat beside me, smiling at me.

"You've completely forgot me, haven't you? No calls, no visits." She complained as Maa nodded at her words.

"Work kept me busy, Maa." I tried to speak, but, Kiara Di cut me off.

"See, both husband and wife have the same set of words as an excuse every time as if any of us have no work." They laughed as I shook my head, giving a faint smile.

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