62. Pawn To Her Plans

201 32 45

Words Count - 2930
Attached Song - Save your tears.

[ A/N - Do not read ahead. This chapter and the next two would be very emotionally gruelling. Kindly wait till I update the next two chapters by tomorrow so, you can binge read and get over the sad stuff without getting triggered. Thank you. ]


My red sleep-deprived eyes stared at the ticking clock. It was an hour to go for the mid-night, paving a way for 10th July to arrive.

Then, my eyes plaintively saw the text, I received this morning from his mother.

His engagement with Bhavna.

I tried so much, asserting that he can't commit to someone else being married to me but, no one listened.

And, the fact that it was happening today wrenched my gut, like someone ripping my skin off me. Still I had complete faith in my father that he'll leave no stone unturned to bring whatever I asked him for. He has always done, and I'm sure, this time would be no different. But, a queer epiphany of something bad taking place made me nauseous. It made me to puke it all out.

So, without thinking twice, I grabbed my car keys and slowly padded downstairs. Only to spot my mother on the dining table, busy with her hotel magazines.

As her eyes mindlessly fell on me, she spoke unintended, "Where are you going?"

"Our apartment," I whispered, a little happy to see her talking to me for the first time after everything related to the contested divorce was disclosed.

"You are not going to show up there. You've ruined him enough, Neha. Let his life have some happiness and peace now, since he is starting a new life." She uttered crudely, her eyes trained on the hotel magazines.

Hearing her, I returned back to my room, defeated. I cried again, unknown to how many times I've cried all this while. But, I knew I had to go to him.

After an hour, coming out of my room, I was relieved to see the dark living room. Knowing that she had already retired to bed for the night, I sneaked out and drove towards our blue apartment.

Since my parents and I were now residing at my Nani's place, it was a forty minute ride to our apartment.

Throughout the ride of those escalating forty minutes, my heart thudded. A strange fear was gripping my heart, numbing and stilling my fingers while I manuevered the car to reach to him.

It was the same fear, which thundered my heart and made me realise my love for him when I drove to the Fortis hospital that night after receiving the news of his devastating accident.

Parking my car, in a single breath, I hurried on my steps to the main door and punched the security code since it was too early for security guard to arrive.

Padding upstairs, I pushed the door of his room a little to see him sleeping. The room reeked of the intolerable smell of alcohol and his citrus cologne, broken shards of glasses scattered all over the floor along with my bangles, his shirt joining the heap of clothes in the sofa as he slept cuddling the pillow, I used to use before leaving this place. My eyes teared up seeing his distressed face even when he was asleep, the nagging conflict of his heart and the tussle of his mind quite evident.

I cautiously stepped closer to him looking at his bare back facing me as his upper body was naked.

Silently, I settled beside him and inclined on the bed to see his face. My fingers travelled to his hair on their own, my body sinked in him, eyes closing on their own, giving in to exhaustion and soon, I felt him turning on his side to hold me.

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