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Jihoon rarely had time for other things, he rarely went out even though his friends always invited him, he avoided meeting new people but, somehow everyone loved him. He was one of the faces of the university along with his friends Jaehyuk, Junkyu, and Yedam. The most studious of their years.

In the library, that's where he always was helping the librarians put the books back on the shelf. He was mostly paid under the table because he was just volunteering but the old ladies adored him.

Mrs. Choi and Mrs. Pak definitely were the type of old ladies who would call you cute and give you candies. It was very sweet of them to give some of their paychecks for Jihoon's hard work.

He was out of their sight right now in the Sci-Fi section which was towards the back of the library. The place Choi Hyunsuk was always reading or sleeping on his favorite beanbag chair in the corner.

Ugh, Choi Hyunsuk.

That boy was a whole load of mystery, not that Jihoon was attracted to him. He would rather step on a Lego but, Jihoon had a feeling that the way he comes off at school is nothing like the Hyunsuk you would see at home. He was curious to know about the boy but without befriending him.

To his dismay, the boy was awake and not napping. He liked it better when the male was snoring.

Short blonde hair, black combat boots, black cargo pants, a nice fitted black shirt, with chains on his waist and around his neck. His ears were pierced, his slim fingers had rings on, he had his oversized NASCAR jacket beside him and his AirPods in as he read a book.


The book was somewhat suiting but, Jihoon would have never pictured Hyunsuk reading any type of British literature.

Jihoon stared long enough, he went to finally put the books in this section away which sadly was a lot. Jihoon never understood the type of nerds that read this junk anyway. He felt he was going to be here for a while but in the back of his head he was just hoping that Hyunsuk wouldn't notice him.

"Park Jihoon, looking good today as always," his voice, Jihoon squeezed his eyes shut and decide to ignore him.

"Jihoon," Hyunsuk sang.

Don't talk to him, he just wants to sleep with you.

"Jihoon, have you ever read Macbeth," Hyunsuk asked. "It's a pretty good book, playwrights are always good even in old English."

Kids like Hyunsuk always pissed Jihoon off, he was barely in class but somehow has one of the best grades. Jihoon constantly busts his ass studying and tutoring others to help him learn and stay the school ambassador.

"Jihoon, baby, don't ignore me," Hyunsuk's voice went low, Jihoon couldn't lie if the male had some kind of effect on him like he does everybody else.

Jihoon didn't want to be a plaything. if he was going to be with someone he would want to get to know their habits, their morals, how he treats his family, and all the deeper stuff. However, Hyunsuk might just need a friend and this thought made Jihoon turn around seeing the book on the male's lap.

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