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Unedited, ill be nice and double update since it's a holiday <3 hope everyone had a good day!


Hyunsuk stayed the night at Jihoon's yet again, after their date the night before they had dinner and watched a movie back at the dorm. If you were wondering about the after date events.

Hyunsuk was now on the couch with Jihoon laying on his lap as he played with his hair. The atmosphere was calm until there was a knock on the door.

"Jihoon open up!"

Jihoon sat up frantically, motioning Hyunsuk to go hide somewhere. Hyunsuk did his best to find a spot he wouldn't be seen, the closet. Jihoon quickly cleaned hiding Hyunsuks' things before opening the door.

Jaehyuk, Yedam, and Junkyu came in and sat on the couch.

"What's that smell," Junkyu asked.

Jaehyuk leaned over and sniffed Jihoon, "new cologne?"

Jihoon smiled knowing he smelled like Hyunsuk, "yeah, like it?"

Jaehyuk shrugged, "not bad, you know I prefer clean scents."

"I like it Ji," Junkyu said to reassure the male.

Jihoon chuckled, "so um what are you guys doing here?"

Jaehyuk blinked, "studying?"

Jihoon furrowed his eyebrows, "we don't study together on Sundays."

Yedam held his books tightly to his chest, "Jaehyuk said that since we didn't study yesterday we should make it up."

Jihoon frowned, "I'm not in the mood."


"No buts Jaehyuk, we never study Sundays and you just appear at my place out of nowhere invading my space. On top of that you didn't tell me or ask me or even let me know, what if I was out or busy. Then what?"

Jaehyuk looked down, his eyes watering, Yedam nodded, "you're right, we are sorry."

"I'm just not in the mood," Jihoon said.

The three boys turned to make their way out of the room without any last exchanges. Hyunsuk waited for the sound of the door to close before stumbling out of the closet with a loud thud.

Jihoon looked at him, "are you okay?"

Hyunsuk nodded before the sound of the door was heard again but it was too late.

Jaehyuk stood at the door about to apologize until he saw Hyunsuk, Jihoon froze. What was he even supposed to say in a situation like this?

Hyunsuk stood up and dusted off his close, "sorry, I was looking for a pair of jeans to upcycle for my project since I did all of my friends already."

Jaehyuk nodded, "why didn't I just see you?"

"I was there maybe you were distracted," Hyunsuk said.

Jaehyuk was suspicious, he looked at Jihoon, "I'm sorry, next time I'll make sure to let you know."

Jihoon nodded, "thanks, I didn't mean to snap at you earlier.

Jaehyuk just smiled, "see ya."

When Jaehyuk closed the door, they both sighed.

"You almost got us caught, " Jihoon mumbled which made the other male laugh.

"I thought they were gone," Hyunsuk huffed.

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