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Jihoon squeezed his eyes shut, rubbing his face in annoyance. He reached over to grab his phone to turn off his alarm, he let out a sigh. Jihoon sat up ruffling his hair, unlocking his phone to look at the time.

It's Monday, wait it's Monday?

Jihoon was amazed that he managed to slept all day Sunday, but his body felt so well-rested as well did his brain. He got up and stretched getting ready for the day. He let out a yawn as he softly hummed a song as he ran through his daily routine.

He popped in his beats, playing music to calm his mind. Walking with his book bag draped on his shoulder and his baggy clothes as usual.

The chorus of 'U MAD by Bobby' was about to come on then his music stopped feeling a light touch in his ear. Jihoon stopped walking looking next to him to see Hyunsuk.

The male glared, "you of all people should know how to respect when someone has their headphones on."

Hyunsuk just grinned but something about him was different and he didn't know why, "I heard the freshman in english were reading Macbeth so, give this to Yedam for me."

Jihoon looked at Hyunsuk's smaller hands hold out the book that was in Jihoons possession a couple nights before, "why don't you just give it to him?"

Hyunsuk shrugged, "don't want any rumors to surface or maybe it's just an excuse to see you again."

Jihoon blinked kind of shocked, Hyunsuk did not just say that, "sorry what?"

Hyunsuk just smiled holding out the book more so his sleeves showed his hands a bit more, Jihoon took the book purposely touching Hyunsuk's hand watching him pull away flustered.

"You know Hyunsuk, maybe, you aren't that bad," Jihoon mumbled.

Hyunsuk was already blushing but his hands found his way into his pockets and suddenly he was rocking back and forth on his feet. Jihoon smiled a little, Hyunsuk was actually kind of cute?

"So um, I need to get to class," Hyunsuk said.

Jihoon gasped as a joke, "oh you are actually going?"

Hyunsuk huffed, "shut up."

Jihoon laughed as Hyunsuk turned around and walked away. Jihoon looked down at the book in his hand and carried it to his meet up point.

He saw Yedam and handed the book to him, "Hyunsuk wanted me to give you this."

Yedam smiled, "omg thank you!"

Jihoon smiled seeing the younger smile, "I went through hell to get that back for you."

"Good, I was about to say you guys seemed too friendly recently," Jaehyuk said.

Jihoon just laughed, "would it be so bad?"

Jaehyuk just shrugged while Junkyu stared at him like he was trying to piece everything together. Jihoon avoided the look Junkyu was giving him.

"Jihoon don't you have class soon," Jaehyuk stated.

Jihoon looked at his phone realizing he was nearly going to be late, "I hate having classes a whole hour before you guys. It's so unfair."

"And you have a job too, stick to the librarians," Junkyu waved him off making the male laugh before walking away.

Junkyu was right he had to be in the library later to help Mrs. Pak and Mrs. Choi.

"We'll be at my dorm later," Jaehyuk yelled from behind which Jihoon waved his hand off too.

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