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Unedited, long chapters and double update <3


Jihoon groaned, stretching out his body to meet with a light headache. He was so glad he didn't get absolutely wasted and that he had a good friend.

He stretched, humming at the sight of the pill, and quickly took it chugging the glass of water.

Knock, knock.

Jihoon stumbled to answer the door to see Jaehyuk, "hey hyuk."

"I really need to go but I thought I would stop by to give you some hangover soup," Jaehyuk said.

Jihoon smiled, "thank you."

Jaehyuk gave the bag to the male, "well I'll see you later."

Jihoon nodded, "hey wait."


"Did I say anything last night?"

Jaehyuk nodded, "yeah, just about how lonely we've made you feel."

Jihoon nodded, "okay, don't worry about me, I'm actually fine."

Jaehyuk nodded, he knew he was lying but Jaehyuk also didn't share everything he saw and heard.

"Go safely," Jihoon said, Jaehyuk bowed before walking off.

Jihoon placed the bag in the living room, setting it all up and showering before he ate. Jihoon sat down to eat while watching whatever was on TV.

He heard his door, looking back, "you know you leave your door open."

"Jesus fuck Hyunsuk, I thought you were a killer," Jihoon mumbled as his heart was trying to calm down from the fear.

Hyunsuk closed and locked the door behind him going to sit next to Jihoon on the couch.

"How have you been," Hyunsuk asked.

Jihoon shrugged, "I'm good."

"You missed me huh?"

Jihoon rolled his eyes not wanting to admit it, "no definitely not."

"Liar, you missed me."

Jihoon shook his head, "I really didn't."

Hyunsuk's hand was placed on Jihoon's upper thigh, massaging it gently, "are you sure? You didn't miss me?"

Jihoon grabbed Hyunsuk's hand, "tease me and see where that gets you."

Hyunsuk pouted but also wanted to test his limits, moving his hand farther up, "what are you going to do?"

Hyunsuk didn't even blink before his hands were tied behind his back with the belt Jihoon was going to wear.

Jihoon huffed, "I'm trying to eat."

Hyunsuk grumbled, "you are so mean, I'm just trying to have fun."

"Well I'm having fun," Jihoon said, he was eating his food watching tv with his legs spread, and leaning back comfortably on the couch.

Hyunsuk bit his lip picturing himself on the male's lap but he stayed quiet because that's what Jihoon wants. Jihoon finished eating and cleaned up after himself before he stood in front of Hyunsuk.

Hyunsuks eyes met with the male's waist but Jihoon leaned towards him tilting his chin up to meet his eyes, "you wanna go somewhere?"

Hyunsuk looked at him confused, "where?"

"It's a surprise," Jihoon said which made the male nod.

Jihoon placed a quick kiss on his lips before be let Hyunsuk go, putting his belt on.

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