five (M)

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Unedited, thank you for the love <3


In a way Jihoon was avoiding his friends to spend more time with Hyunsuk, that's just how he felt. It was still the same day he ran away because Mashiho almost exposed him.

Classes were over and he was debating on going to the library or hanging out with the boys. After he disappeared on them he kind of thought he could go to them.

He grabbed his phone and called Jaehyuk, "Hey hyuk where you at?"

"Sorry, I'm busy hyung."

"Oh okay, I'll just call Junkyu."

"He has a project with Mashiho."

"Uhm, what about Yedam?"

"He has a performance today at the cafe," Jaehyuk said.

"Oh alright, that's okay I'll find something else to do."

"Sorry, bye."

Jihoon put his phone away, the feeling of neglect was making him feel bad. So he decided to go to his dorm, kicking rocks and shuffling his feet.

"Hoon, are you okay?"

Jihoon looked up and saw Hyunsuk by his door, "yeah, I'm alright. Why didn't you tell me you were coming?"

"I don't have your number," Hyunsuk shrugged.

Jihoon looked at the marks on his neck, licking his lips, "should have asked for it."

Jihoon unlocked his door, Hyunsuk following him in, "I'm trying to right now."

Jihoon laughed, "you can do better than that."

Hyunsuk swiftly took his phone and exchanged numbers, "there."

"You need to stop taking my phone," Jihoon grunted taking it back.

"Why are you hiding nudes," Hyunsuk asked trying to take the phone back.

"That's none of your business," Jihoon huffed shoving his phone in his pocket.

Hyunsuk smiled, "that's okay, I'll get to see it all in person anyway."

"Choi Hyunsuk!"

Hyunsuk just giggled which made Jihoon laugh as well. Jihoon went to bring them a glass of water.

"So, what do you want to do," Hyunsuk asked.

"Video games?"

Hyunsuk tilted his head, "do you have FIFA?"

"Do I have FIFA? Of course, I have FIFA," Jihoon practically yelled, he grabbed the controllers and started up the console.

Like that they just played like they were best friends for years, Jihoon lost and Hyunsuk yelled in excitement. Jihoon just smiled watching him happily, he actually wasn't that bad at all.

"I won so you grant one of my wishes right," Hyunsuk said.

Jihoon nodded, "what do you want me to do?"

Hyunsuk looked at him, "kiss me."

Jihoon somewhat expected it but also it was sudden. However, the male wasted no time pushing Hyunsuk down to lay on the couch crawling on top of him.


Hyunsuk nodded, "Hoon please, I've been waiting all day."

Jihoon smirked, "give me your hands."

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