four (M)

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Unedited, I'm feeling nice so double update <3


Jihoon was walking to his dorm reading things on his phone. He didn't notice the male by his door when he tried to unlock his door.

"Are you reading up on this?"

Jihoon jumped, "stop doing that damn it."

Hyunsuk took his phone walking into the male's room, "okay well I'm a sub-male, I feel like that's obvious considering the way you manhandled me earlier."

Jihoon nodded, "sorry I just want to be the best I can be, I'm going into this unprepared."

Hyunsuk nodded, "it's okay I understand, I'll help you okay?"

Jihoon closed the door behind him, he threw his bag on the floor by his shoes. He just sat on the couch not knowing what he was supposed to do.

"Oh did you want any water," Jihoon asked, the silence was killing him.

Hyunsuk walked over standing in front of him, "no I'm okay."

Jihoon looked up at Hyunsuk, his baggy jeans, and sweater that was exposing his collar bone, "uh are you going to sit down?"


Jihoon jumped, raising his hands as the male came to straddle his lap, "Woah, hey."

Hyunsuk just gave him a smile, "Is this okay?"

"Yeah, I just don't really know where to put my hands," Jihoon chuckled.

Hyunsuk laughed a bit, "here."

Jihoon let the male grab his hands and guide him, one of his hands was placed at the base of Hyunsuk's neck and the other on his upper thigh.

"You don't have to do this," Jihoon said in case the male was uncomfortable.

Hyunsuk met his eyes, "it's okay, I trust you."

Jihoon wasn't planning on going all the way and Hyunsuk knew that. That look of reassurance in his eyes is what made Jihoon pull the male in. The distance between them shrunk as their minty breaths mixed.

Jihoon closed his eyes as Hyunsuk's lips touched his. He moved his lips slowly, he wasn't experienced in most things but of course, the male had kissed someone before.

Hyunsuk met up with his rhythm, his body tingling as Jihoon's hand found its way back on his throat. Hyunsuk let out a small noise letting the male's tongue dance against his. Jihoon became more comfortable starting to massage the male's upper thigh.

Jihoon grunted loving the way Hyunsuk felt against him, he made his way down under the male's ear.

Hyunsuk moaned as the hand around his throat tightened and the pleasure from Jihoon creating a mark on the Male's skin. Jihoon pulled away releasing his grip so he could caress the purple mark with his thumb.

"Hoon," Hyunsuk said, his voice a bit raspy.

"Hm," Jihoon looked up at the male.

"Bite me."

Jihoons eyes widened, "really?"

Hyunsuk nodded tilted his head, Jihoon slowly left breathy kisses down the makes neck to his collarbone. With his lips, he found a place he felt he would hurt the male the least.

Jihoon kissed the spot slightly sucking on it, he pulled away to lick the mark which made Hyunsuk shudder and weave his hands in Jihoons hair. Hyunsuk let out a small whimper as the feeling of the male's teeth grazed over the spot.

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