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Unedited, so I got ideas for a dodam fic, hajeongwoo fic, jaesahi fic, and a meanie fic but I want to know which one y'all want first (::


It was now monday and Jihoon walked to campus to meet with his friends. As he usually does. Though something in him was twisting his gut, he just thought he was sick. But deep down he knew that he didn't want to be confronted about why and how Hyunsuk was in his room. Especially since he was hiding him and they didn't see him originally.

However Jihoon's plan was to go into it pretending nothing happened but then he saw Mashiho with Junkyu. He was really hoping hamster boy wasn't going to expose him again.

"Hey guys," Jihoon said.

"Hey Ji," Junkyu yelled.

Jihoon just chuckled, "how was the project?"

Junkyu smiled and took out a piece of paper that had the full points mark on it, "we crushed it! All thanks to Mashi."

Mashiho smiled and nodded.

Jihoon smiled, "congrats guys."

"That's why karaoke is on me tonight!"

Jaehyuk and Yedam cheered even though they all went to karaoke last night, however this time it was different. They had a plan. Jihoon agreed since it would just be them and was excited to potentially get drunk.

The day went by boring, having about two and a half classes, because the professor of his last class had let them out early. Now he was at the library, like he normally was and had been neglecting.

"Good afternoon," Jihoon greeted.

The two elderly ladies smiling once they saw him.

"Oh Jihoon, where have you been? We missed you dearly," Mrs. Choi had spoke in her sweet voice.

Jihoon bowed thankful, "I'm sorry, I should have let you know. A lot has been going on with my studies and personal life."

Ms. Park sipped on her tea, "anything to share with us?"

Jihoon shook his head, "nothing in particular."

Mrs. Choi just smiled and nodded, "us old hags but want live through you like we were young again."

Jihoon chuckled but somehow, he ended up telling them everything. Though they were shocked, they listened and reacted to every word. Every word he's been keeping to himself and away from his friends, every word he has been dwelling for the past couple days.

Do I love Hyunsuk?

And obviously the male didn't use the name of the male to secure his identity. For him to have someone to vent and genuinely listen to his concerns, he was grateful.

"Well it sounds like you're on a line, something has to be done to make you realize your true feelings," Ms. Park said.

Jihoon looked at her, "like what?"

"Well some people say if you love them let them go but you will be together until Saturday. Maybe distance is what you need," Ms. Park said.

"I just don't wanna hurt him," Jihoon said.

"Just ask for time dear, I'm sure he will understand," Mrs. Choi said.

Jihoon nodded, then Ms. Park spoke, "hey, go home, you have a lot to think about. We will be closing soon anyway."

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