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Jihoon watched the white liquid drip down his hands letting out a sigh, his chest was beating fast but in the process of calming down. Before you ask, yes Jihoon got off to the thought of the other boy.

Hyunsuk told him he would be busy today and Jihoon had an on growing addiction to him. His phone rang and he used his clean hand to answer it.


"Yeah, Jihoon do want to come to the mall with Junkyu, Yedam, and I?"

"Yeah, let me get ready."

"Alright, we'll meet you downstairs."

Jihoon hung up, looking down at himself he felt a wave of guilt wash over him thinking what he just did wasn't right. With a sigh he got up, wiping his hands and thighs with a tissue. He changed his sheets before going into the shower putting on a fresh pair of clean clothes.

Blow drying his hair before he grabbed his things, slipped on his shoes, and left the room to meet the boys.

"What's up guys," Jihoon said with a smile.

"You're in a good mood," Junkyu said with a smile.

Jihoon shrugged, "just felt that today would be a good day."

Jaehyuk nodded with a smile, "it will be as soon as we get going!"

Yedam smiled, walking with them to the bus stop. The bus would take them to the mall which was their destination.

"There is this shirt I want to get," Junkyu said.

"At least the time you wanna go out, there is actually something you want," Jihoon chuckled, knowing the male was a homebody.

Junkyu pouted, "Yedam how was your concert the other night."

Yedam smiled, "really good, a lot of people came!"

"I heard Doyoung went," Jaehyuk said with a knowing smile.

Yedam got on the bus, Jihoon sitting next to him, "he did."

Jihoon glanced seeing the rosy cheeks on the male, "Yedam, did something happen?"

Yedam shook his head, "not really, he told me that I was talented though."

"Because you are," Jaehyuk smiled. "I'm glad you had a good time."

Yedam smiled, "how was your project Junkyu?"

"It's going really well, I think I'll get a good grade on it," Junkyu said.

"By project, he meant Mashiho," Jihoon laughed.

Junkyu laughed, "oh, I thought you actually cared about my grade for a second, it's good I think we are going to hang out later."

Jihoon nodded and let the boys talk amongst themselves feeling like he's done enough. After about ten minutes they reached their spot and got off the bus.

They went into a couple of stores before Jihoon got thirsty and told them that he would go get a drink. Jihoon stood in line for a smoothie seeing a familiar figure in the next line with a little boy.

Oh, it's Hyunsuk, the sight alone made Jihoon smile.

Hyunsuk smiled at the younger boy who wore overalls and was leaning into the male's leg pointing at something.

"You want this one? Can I get the cotton candy flavor and a mango flavor?"

He watched Hyunsuk pay the cashier, he knelt down before the younger boy with a cute smile.

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