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Jihoon woke up on that tuesday drained and soulless. He didn't even want to go out so he didn't. His eyes were puffy, cheeks stained, hair messy, and his throat was hoarse. He attended his classes online with his camera off struggling to comprehend why he felt like absolute shit.

Though he was drunk he knew, when you figure it out you know where to find me.

Those words repeated in his mind constantly, he asked for time and Hyunsuk understood. Then he kept talking and screwed it all up. Jihoon sighed, he's been ignoring the calls and texts from his friends after sending a text claiming he was sick.

Just like that Jihoon sat with an empty chest and stomach, random memories playing out of Hyunsuk as he looked over his apartment. Jihoon sighed and shut his eyes, too exhausted to open them he fell asleep yet again.


Now it was Wednesday, he did his morning classes online but there was a lab he had to attend at night. In which he forced himself in a pair of sweats, oversized hoodie and a beanie. He knew he looked like crap, a couple pimples and his skin wasn't glowing.

Jihoon just walked trying to avoid the people around him, in the distance he noticed a familiar tuff of blonde hair. He used up his energy to run up and grab the males wrist.

"Hyunsuk I-"

But when Hyunsuk met his eyes, they no longer sparkled. Jihoon had so much to say but Hyunsuk tore his arm from his grasp and walked away without a word.

Jihoon held himself back from the potential tears that brimmed his eyes, I deserved that.

Jihoon took a breath and decided to take a detour to class, a long path where he would be able to avoid the male whom he hurt.

"Hey Jihoon, we've been trying to get a hold of you," Jaehyuk said.

"You look like shit," Junkyu said.

"I just don't feel good," Jihoon let out quietly through his tightening throat that just wanted him to let it all out.

Jihoon walked past the males and into his class. Junkyu, Jaehyuk and Yedam all looked at each other concerned.

"Hey Jaehyuk, if what you say is true, maybe we should check how Hyunsuk is doing," Yedam said softly.

They looked at Junkyu who nodded texting Mashiho that they would go to his dorm later that day. That's what they did, you might wonder why they were doing to Mashiho's dorm. Well, Mashi was in a shared dorm with Hyunsuk. So if anyone knew about his living conditions it would be him.

"Mashi open up," Junkyu said while knocking the door.

Mashiho opened the door letting them in, "what brings you all here?"

"Is Hyunsuk hyung okay," Yedam asked, he looked concerned.

Mashi sighed, pointing back at the couch, "you can see for yourself."

They peered over to the couch seeing him sleeping a couch bottle in his grasp, his cheeks were stained with tears. Jaehyuk sighed sadly, he oddly felt like it was his fault.

Jaehyuk sat by him and wiped his cheeks, "hyung, are you awake?"

Hyunsuk hummed and nodded.

They reason they went to Hyunsuk was because he wouldnt avoid them the way Jihoon does. The male was very upfront about his likes and dislikes.

"Can we help you in anyway," Jaehyuk asked.

Hyunsuk shook his head, "no, he's thinking about it. I thought it would best to distance myself so he can think."

Jaehyuk nodded, "I just want you to know, we support you guys no matter what."

Hyunsuk hummed, "I'm not the one you should be telling that to."

Jaehyuk frowned, he was right. Jihoon was the one with the most doubts. Hyunsuk was ready and was just waiting on him.

"We will think of a plan, don't worry," Jaehyuk said.

So they stayed at Mashiho's for the next two hours thinking up a plan. They were tired of them mopping around and need a little pick me up. So what was better than Yedam and Junkyu's least favorite activity, partying.

There was a party this friday at their senior alumnis house and they planned to drag them there. Then let the party ambiance take them over.

"Its sounds like it might work but maybe Jihoon will be too drunk to function," Junkyu said knowing the males habits.

"That's the point, maybe they will become honest with eachother," Jaehyuk said.

"Or sleep with eachother," Mashiho stated which made Jaehyuk laugh.

Hyunsuk was listening in with a smaller blush on his face, it would be his first.

"Does the plan sound okay hyung," Yedam asked, peering over at the male.

Hyunsuk nodded a bit, "yeah, just don't let him get too drunk."

Jaehyuk snorted, "we have no control over that, Jihoon likes to pregame."

Hyunsuk just nodded, the energy to laugh no longer present. However, he knew he should be upset, he made Jihoon live a little. He was happy and that's all that matter, but now, he didn't know.

Hyunsuk sighed, "can I ask you guys something?"

All the boys turned their attention to Hyunsuk, Jaehyuk nodded motioning him to go on.

"How is Jihoon doing?"

His standards made him want them to say he's better without you, we both know that isn't true. The answer made him worried and his heart break.

Jaehyuk lost his smile and shook his head, "he's not doing the best. His eyes are red and puffy, he's sluggish and doesn't show up to classes. He just not Jihoon anymore."

Hyunsuk frowned, "this is all my fault."

Yedam got up and patted the males back, "don't say that, you made him so happy even if we just found out. When I look back I can tell."

"You were happy too hyung," Mashiho said.

Hyunsuk sniffled and nodded, "I was, I am, I will be. I have confidence that this plan will work, I love him. I can't afford to lose him."

Jaehyuk smiled at the small confessions, "I think he loves you too, he just hasn't realized it yet."

Hyunsuk nodded and wiped his face, giving the boys a wilted smile. However the smile reassured them.

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