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Unedited, I was going to double update but life is so busy me right now so I didnt get to write. However enjoy this chapter <3


Jihoon didn't get out of bed that Thursday morning, he slept all morning not even attending his classes. Luckily for him, they did not turn out to be important.

He woke up around 5 pm, not sure why but he did. Maybe it was the sharp pain in his stomach that woke him up. He curled up in his bed holding the side of his stomach.

A knock on his door but he was too weak to get up. Exhausted from sleeping, crying, and not eating.

"Jihoon, open up."

Jihoon groaned, "I can't, it hurts."

The thought of their friend being in pain made them more desperate to come in.

"Keep him company, I'll go get a RA for the key," Jaehyuk said scurrying off.

"Hyung, where does it hurt?"

"Stomach," he let out, wincing at the pain.

"When was the last time you ate?"


Even the voice of his friends made him realize that what he didn't wasn't okay and unhealthy. He was the boy that would eat all his meals but not eat since the night he screwed up, worried them.

"Have you had anything to drink?"


Now dehydrated, his body was weak and the male was very much convinced that he would die here.

"Jaehyuk will be right back, I'm going to buy him stuff at the convenience store. Yedam stay here," Junkyu was in a panic.

The male did indeed buy the lunch meals and the most hydrating drinks he could find. Knowing the male had pain killers at home, he bought snacks and just overall enough for all of them.

Jaehyuk soon had an RA who let the two males into the room seeing their friends suffering in pain.

"Let me help you sit up," Jaehyuk said.

Jaehyuk sat on the bed and carefully helped the male sit up when the pain subsided temporarily.

"Thank god," Junkyu rushed in just getting back from the store.

Junkyu popped open some butter biscuits and fed a couple to Jihoon. Yedam then opened a Gatorade and had a set of painkillers ready for the male, which he took. Jihoon sighed after taking the medicine and chugging the Gatorade, his body reacting to the sudden hydration.

"You made me worry so much about you," Jaehyuk stated.

"All of us were worried hyung," Yedam said.

Jihoon smiled wearily, he managed to eat two of the prepared lunches and was now drinking another Gatorade.

"Thanks, guys. I'm sure I'll be better by tomorrow," Jihoon said.

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