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Unedited, posted the prechapter to the dodam <rockstar> and hajeongwoo <damn you> stories. I'll probably start posting them the week after I finish this story.

So sad news next week is probably going to be the last chapter for this story. I'm not sure yet cause i cut it off before they go somewhere we'll see /:: enjoy tho, I love you guys <3


Jihoon woke up on a Friday afternoon to voices. He made faces trying to wake himself up before he finally sat up.

"Oh Ji you are awake," Junkyu yelled.

How was he so lively, normally he's still sleeping. This thought is what made Jihoon finally open his eyes. Sees bags in the corner of his room as the boys sprawled around eating.

"Why are you guys up so early," Jihoon asked.

"It's noon," Yedam asked.


"We got up to get our stuff for tonight so we can all get ready together," Jaehyuk said.

Jihoon nodded, he scooted off the bed onto the floor joining them for breakfast.

"How are you feeling," Yedam asked.

Jihoon put up a thumbs up, "I feel better, this food will help though."

Relieved Yedam was able to continue eating. Jihoon started to eat, he was doing just fine for not going to the hospital to get an IV jammed in his arm. He was glad he had good friends but normal people would have called a paramedic.

Jihoon shrugged at his thoughts before continuing to eat, the nice warm bowl of porridge and grilled fish. A typical breakfast.

"How are you going to dress hoon," Junkyu asked.

Jihoon didn't really think of it but he had a go-to partying outfit that he used to wear in high school, "something you've never seen me in."

Only Jaehyuk was friends with him at the time of his difficulties, but he changed for the better. Now was a time to let go and celebrate. Jihoon planned to do exactly that.

Junkyu grew curious as did Yedam, all that was on their mind was something other than baggy clothes which is all the male would normally wear. Except for that one time, he went on a date with Hyunsuk.


He missed Hyunsuk.

Junkyu broke the silence, "oh like at the art gallery?"

Jihoon shook his head, "you'll see."

Junkyu pouted but the thoughts of the male intruded his mind. He missed his kisses and the way the male felt in his arms.

Jihoon let out a sigh.

Jaehyuk hit Junkyu on the arm, "shh."

Junkyu whispered rubbing his arm, "what did I say?"

Yedam frowned and tried to intervene, "hey, I got a job!"

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