fifteen (M)

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Unedited, the beginning in mature >///< um so yeah, I've been too busy so this story will be ended here, maybe I'll create and angst sequel or just another sukhoon in the future. I've been working so much so I've been trying to do my best.

Thank you everyone for those that have come this far to support me and the people who have come from my other sukhoon story. I really appreciate it, hajeongwoo and dodam will be posted the sunday of the following week cause I still need to write more. I love you guys <3 thank you!


It was now Saturday and Jihoon woke up with a massive headache, along with a huge weight on top of his body. Jihoon stretched his arms and looked down at the weight seeing Hyunsuk, a small smile decorated his lips.

"Hyunsuk," Jihoon shoved his shoulder realizing then that the male was shirtless and so was he.

Hyunsuk stirred awake, "what happened?"

"Hyunsuk, I think we-"

Hyunsuk jumped up at the pain that shot up his back when he tried to move, "oh shit ow."

Jihoon with concerned eyes looked at him, "are you okay?"

"My ass hurts you fucker," Hyunsuk cried.

Jihoon sighed, "I'm so sorry, I didn't expect this to happen. I was so drunk."

Hyunsuk scoffed, "just a mistake and we move on."

Jihoon gripped Hyunsuk's bicep, "it was not a mistake, I want to sleep with you but I want to be able to remember it."

Hyunsuk blushed, "Hoon."

Jihoon ran his fingers through Hyunsuk's hair, "you are so lovely."

Hyunsuk looked up, "if you want another round just say so."

Jihoon tilted his head, "I didn't say that, did you want another round?"

Hyunsuk blushed, "I didn't say that."

"You were implying it," Jihoon said, grabbing the male and pulling him up so their faces met. "You're hard."

Hyunsuk hit Jihoon's chest, "leave me alone."

"I'll take care of you," Jihoon whispered.

Jihoon carefully flipped Hyunsuk so he was comfortable. Hyunsuk whimpered softly, "be careful."

"If you want me to stop say so," Jihoon met his eyes with a slight nod.

Hyunsuk's eyes were then covered by a silk ribbon that was definitely around his wrists last night. This time Jihoon let his hands be free since they were bruised. Jihoon admired the boy peppering kisses as one of his hands was caressing the boy's inner thigh.

Hyunsuk let out soft moans every time Jihoon's hand would come close to his member. Jihoon left open mouth kisses along with bites and licks down his neck, and chest until he got to his waist.

"Hoon," Hyunsuk pleaded.

Jihoon gripped his thigh, "I didn't tell you to talk, apologize."

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