Day 2 - Immunity

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The scene opens on a challenge arena. There is a large sand pit with 3 marked lanes 50m in length and a table at the end of each lane.

Alec: "Come on in, guys."

The three tribes come in and stand on their corresponding mat colour in front of Alec. As they approach, it is apparent that the entire red tribe has berry paint on their face.

Alec: "Nathaniel, what's with the face paint?"

Nathaniel: "We're ready for war."

Alec: "So I take it this means your camp is all set up?"

Nathaniel: "That's right and we're ready to bring the heat."

Alec: "Nora, how's you camp setup coming along?"

Nora: "Well... smoke is interesting."

Alec: "So you haven't gotten very far?"

Nora: "Not really, no."

Alec: "Are you ready to get to today's immunity challenge?" Everyone vocalises in agreement. "For today's challenge, one by one, you will dig through a sand pit in search of a bag. Once you've retrieved your bag, you can tag in the next player. When all 8 bags have been recovered, the final member of your tribe will use the pieces within to complete a puzzle. First 2 teams to complete the puzzle will win immunity, safe from the vote. The losing team will be visiting me at tribal council tomorrow where someone will be the first person voted out. I'll give you a minute to strategise, then we'll get started."

Red mat.

Adrien: "All right, we need someone who's good at puzzles."

Lila: "I can do that."

Chloe: Whispers to Lila. "If we lose, all eyes will be on you."

Green mat.

Alya: "I can be pretty quick with the pieces."

Marc: "I think precision is more important than speed."

Marinette: "So, Marc on the puzzle. Alya, are you ok with this?"

Alya: "Do you think you can pull it off?"

Marc: "Positive."

Blue mat.

Kim: "This shouldn't need discussion. We all know Max will be on the puzzle."

Max: "I'll take on this duty with honour."

The players take their positions.

Alec: "All right, on the puzzle, we have Lila for red, Marc for green and Max for blue. For immunity, survivors ready. Go!"

Adrien, Ali and Aurore are first to run out for their respective teams. Aurore is first to reach the sand pit and starts digging. Ali reaches the sand pit shortly after and starts digging.

Alec: "The sooner you dig out those bags, the sooner your tribe can start on the puzzle.

Adrien arrives at the sand pit and starts digging. After much effort, Ali unearths the first green bag and starts running back, followed shortly by Aurore, then Adrien. Aurore is first to return, followed by Ali, tagging in Felix and Alya respectively.

Alec: "Blue and green are building an early lead. Score is 1-1-0."

Felix arrives at the sand pit and starts digging really quickly.

Alec: "Felix clearly intending to extend the lead for his team."

Adrien returns his bag, at which point Alix runs out. Alya reaches the sandpit and starts digging at similar speed to Felix.

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