Day 7 - Green Camp

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The green members arrive at camp.

Nora: "So, how do we plan to improve for tomorrow?"

Sabrina: "I feel like a broken record at the moment, but to repeat what Juleka said last time, we just need to not be last."

Nora: "You mean like today?"

Jalil: "Today wasn't immunity. So long as we don't lose immunity, which haven't so far, we'll be fine."

Nora: "Yeah? And how long do you think that's going to hold?"

Sabrina: "It's worked so far. As I see it, there's no need to change gears. Just keep it in drive and press cruise control."

Nora: "Cruise control only works when the conditions are consistent. These conditions aren't consistent."

Ali: "Rather than getting worked up about the long run, let's just focus on the next step. Once we get through that, we can focus on the next one."

Sabrina: (confessional) "I'm not sure what Nora's problem is. We just need to avoid tribal council for as long as possible, which gives us a numbers advantage when it inevitably comes to an individual game."

Alya, Marinette, Nino and Nora move across the beach, separating from the rest of the group.

Alya: "You know, Nino, for someone who thought you weren't going to last long, you did very well today."

Nora: "Yeah, massive respect."

Marinette: "Thanks to you, we gave the other teams a run for their money."

Nino: "Thanks, dudes. Really appreciate that."

Nora: "But in all seriousness, we do need to think about a strategy going forward. Contrary to Sabrina's optimism, we aren't going to keep up our winning streak forever."

Alya: "Nora's right. As we keep winning these challenges, we'll need to sit out more and more players. And given that no one can sit out in any 2 consecutive challenges, eventually we'll be forced to sit out the wrong people."

Marinette: "I guess then, it comes down to how well we can work together as a team."

Nora: (confessional) "The entire blue tribe seems to be a massive horde of challenge beasts, as indicated by the fact that they've won 4 out of 5 challenges so far. Our best chance would be for us to hold out until merge and try to vote out some of those challenge threats. Now, voting Kim out last night has certainly made that job easier, which I'm not complaining about. But seriously, are they all stupid?"

Jalil and Marc.

Jalil: "What's your opinion on long term plans?"

Marc: "I think it's good to plan ahead. Why, what are you thinking?"

Jalil: "Alix and I had an idea to combine our alliances. I wondered if you might be interested."

Marc: "Can't deny it's a tempting thought. Who else is there?"

Jalil: "On our end is Ali and Sabrina, on Alix's end is Nathaniel."

Marc: "I'll certainly keep the idea in mind."

Jalil: (confessional) "It seems Alix's idea of combining alliances is beginning to bear some fruit. I intend to chat with Alix at the next opportunity to see who she's included which could influence my next target over here. Also, through Marc, I might be able to get some leverage on Marinette. It's certainly worth a shot."

Marc: (confessional) "As a writer, it's important to have a vision of how you want your story to end. So, I admire Jalil for having a similar vision. He sees a potential path to the end and he sees how to make it happen."

Nora and Sabrina.

Sabrina: "Would you be interested in sharing your thoughts on everything that's happened so far?"

Nora: "It looks like everyone's found their place, everyone's able to fit in. I think it's important to be able to get along and work together, that's what will keep us going."

Sabrina: "That's true. I'm more interested in assessing the other tribes, to plan ahead a bit."

Nora: "I had some thoughts about that, actually. Particularly blue."

Sabrina: "Yeah, blue is a bit of a powerhouse. But I was thinking about the challenge we just had. I thought endurance needed a high power to weight ratio.

Nora: "It usually does."

Sabrina: "Yes, and that would explain how someone small like Aurore could hold for that amount of time. What I don't understand is how Ivan managed to stay in for that long, and with the extreme weight he was holding as well."

Nora: "Wow, I hadn't thought of that."

Sabrina begins making markings in the sand.

Sabrina: "Dividend over divisor equals quotient. In this case, the dividend is power, the divisor is weight, and the quotient is endurance. Do you see what I'm getting at?"

Nora: "I think so. An evidently large quotient with an obviously large divisor means an even larger dividend?"

Sabrina: "Exactly. It scares me to think just how much physical power Ivan has."

Sabrina: (confessional) "Obviously, this is ultimately an individual game, but for now we're still playing in teams and I need others to think I'm seeing this as such. But regardless of how we're playing this game, the fact remains that assessing members of your own team is exactly how radicalisation occurs. If we're are going to function as a team, then we need to avoid that at all costs."

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