Day 1 - Red camp

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The red team members arrive at their camp.

Luka: "Great effort everyone. First things first, we need establish our camp."

Alix: "I'll start on the fire."

Nathaniel: "I'll help."

Chloe lays down on the camp mat while Alix and Nathaniel start preparing the campfire.

Lila: "Hey Adrien, could we have a chat?"

Adrien: "Sure." They move to the water well. "What is it?"

Lila: "I'm not convinced Chloe performed to the best of her ability today."

Adrien: "Chloe did seem a bit agitated. I'd suggest patience."

Lila: "Patience?"

Adrien: "Yes. Throwing negativity at someone is only going to bring negativity out of them."

Lila: "If you say so."

Lila: (confessional) "Is Adrien serious? Does he expect us to be rewarding the likes of Chloe for doing little more than the bare minimum? That does nothing to encourage them to work harder and it's certainly not how I envisioned playing this game."

Lila walks away as Ivan and Mylene approach the well.

Ivan: "Hey Adrien."

Mylene: "Could we talk to you about something?"

Adrien: "Sure. What is it?"

Mylene: "First, what's your thought on Chloe?"

Adrien: "I think she just needs some time to adjust."

Ivan: "Personally, I would've thought being separated from her father would make her more grateful for what she has."

Mylene: "Apparently not."

Adrien: "Chloe did seem a bit agitated at the challenge today."

Ivan: "Not just the challenge. So far, she's also refusing to help with camp chores."

Mylene: "Yeah. It's really frustrating how she just sits there, almost as though waiting for someone to fill in a butler-type duty."

Adrien: "All right. I'll have a talk with her."

Adrien: (confessional) "To be honest, I'm a bit disappointed that Chloe's behaving this way. I thought she'd be making more of an effort to be nice, especially in the early stages where people are looking for any reason to vote someone out."

Adrien returns to the shelter, where Alix and Nathaniel have successfully started a fire.

Chloe: "Oh, Adrikins. I saved a spot for you."

Adrien: "That's very nice of you." Lies down next to Chloe. "I thought I should share some concerns with you."

Chloe: "Ok. What's on your mind?"

Adrien: "I'm a bit worried that your lack of participation is hindering your position here."

Chloe: "Really? How so?"

Adrien: "You were refusing to take part in the challenge today and now, you're not helping with any of the camp chores. If you want to give this team a reason to keep you, you'll need to start pulling your weight."

Chloe: "And ruin these nails? Please."

Having overheard the conversation, Alix approaches the pair, while Nathaniel walks away.

Alix: "You know, you could at least pretend to be interested in what we're doing."

Chloe: "I'll pass. Thanks for the offer, though."

Nathaniel returns with a couple of large leaves and various berries.

Nathaniel: "Would you like a makeover, your Royal Highness?"

Chloe: "That would be very nice, thank you. See, someone knows how to treat a princess."

Alix: Sighs "Unbelievable." Walks away.

Nathaniel: (confessional) "As an artist, makeovers are my specialty. But in all seriousness, if Chloe wants to be an entitled princess, I'm more than happy to provide for that. She's simply digging herself a bigger hole."

Alix: (confessional) "Chloe's sense of entitlement is seriously through the roof. I'm actually looking forward to an opportunity to vote someone out."

Nathaniel prepares Chloe's makeover.

Chloe: "What do you think you're doing?"

Nathaniel: "Do you not want a makeover after all, my lady?"

Chloe: "Just don't touch the face."

Nathaniel: "As you wish."

As Nathaniel paints Chloe's nails, Alix and Ivan build the shelter while Adrien, Lila and Mylene assist.

Luka: "I can fill everyone's water bottles if you like."

Ivan: "That would be very nice, thank you."

Rose: "I'll help you." 

Luka and Rose move to the water well.

Luka: "What's your first impression on this group?"

Rose: "We can't be more that a few hours in and Chloe has already started throwing her wealth around."

Luka: "Yeah, it is getting rather annoying."

Rose: "Other than that, I think we're on good terms with just about everyone here."

Luka: "That's a healthy sentiment to have."

Rose: "Is it just me or is Nathaniel being an extreme suck up to Chloe?"

Luka: "Yeah, I've noticed that too."

Rose: "Why would he do that?"

Luka: "I'm sure he has his reasons. We won't know if we don't ask."

Rose and Luka return to the camp grounds.

Rose: "Nathaniel, may I talk to you?"

Nathaniel: "Sure."

Chloe: "Excuse me, you're not done." To Rose. "Whatever you have to say to him, you can also say to me."

Rose: "It can wait."

Chloe: "And where can anyone find a decent lemonade around here?"

Luka: "Don't know about a lemonade, but here's some water."

Chloe: "Water? Do I look like a peasant to you?"

Rose: Sigh. "Ok, then. Lemonade it is."

Rose: (confessional) "Lemonade, huh? To get lemonade, you need lemons. Tell me this Chloe, do you see any lemons?"

Nathaniel: "I believe that's done. Take a look and tell me what you think."

Chloe: Looking at her hands. "Since we don't have any brushes, it'll have to do."

Nathaniel: "Glad to be of service."

Lila: "Now, would you like a fan?"

Chloe: "Do you even need to ask?"

Lila: "Very well. Coming right up."

Lila departs and shortly returns with a palm leaf to fan Chloe.

Chloe: (confessional) "Take note, first day I have these people working for me. They'll do all the work for me and carry me to the end like the royal that I am."

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