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𝚍𝚒𝚛𝚝𝚢 𝚏𝚊𝚢𝚐𝚘'⭐.

For me , money was my one and only topic that swimmed around my head, no boy or relationship ever layed in my mind.

I kept my own focus on my good paying office job and a small side hustle I had on the side—nothing illegal of course.

It was a small business of pursing eye lash extensions on others for fun at first, then it started to get serious when others commented how outstanding my work was.

Yet, everything started to go downfall when I started losing money. Not attending work or opening dm's and emails from clients .

My mental health took over me and I couldn't do anything but be a homebody and start to focus on my own self.

Isolating myself from everyone, lack of eating, numerous mood swings and more.

And my dumbass thought drinking heavily was going to slowly help it. And that shit made in ten times worse, I was draining myself and losing money quickly than ever.

I went broke .

And that's when I realised shit was getting real and I needed to fix myself urgently. No way was I going to be deadset broke and look this good .

No way in hell!

It took a few month's for me to get my act together, at the age of 21 I had help of my mother and close college friend sullen.

I got my old job back but laid low with my side hustle, I intended to take things slow and didn't care how much money I had for now.

Atleast I had a small portion around me before I go back to the money hungry stage I was in.

"Welcome back boo." Sullen's strong scent of expensive chanel perfume brought her presence beside me, shifting my body around as my eyes fell on her.

I smiled jogging lightly towards her , pulling in for a warm hug . "You really don't know how glad I am to be back." I laughed lightly watching her click the silver circle button beside the elevator .

"Girl, these past few months up there was hella messy." She sends a light chuckle trying to keep her composure on cracking her ass up.

I was keen to know what this messy tea was she mentioned . "Bitch if you don't spill." I gripped onto my leather maverick & co briefcase staring at her from the side.

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