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I didn't mean to kill her, i never wanted her to be my last victim but she was.

I'll never forget her last smile she returned me, her wet tears sinking on my skin. The worry in her breathing when my arms gripped around her delicate throat.

I'll never forget that. I'll never forget Yasmin.

Although she knew that today was going to be her last time picturing life, she still shown a part of 'love' in her eyes when she brushed her last kiss on my lip.

Yasmin lied, and I couldn't forgive her for that. She said she loved me but that was a lie, she said she wanted Sullen gone and that was a lie...

Then what broke me the most was that I thought she'd take my side but turns out she sided with Lauryn's sister; just like what Lauryn did when I last saw her.

I know she thought turning me in was going to be the best fit for me, but it wasn't. Sullen really convinced her. I thought our love was strong that she won't listen to her,

But i knew this was going to happen anytime soon because i said our first lie in the relationship.

I wasn't ready for any outcomes at all when they find one single evidence that'll connect back to me, I could never go to prison and embarrass my siblings like that.

Especially sage and ariel, they look up to me so much as a big brother and a father. They'll hate me if they found out that I was a serial killer, going on sprees killing prostitutes and keeping a small part of them with me.

Killing Lauryn, Yas, and other victims in my previous love life they don't know about.

When we left Dubai, everything was perfectly normal, returning back to the bay area ruined things for the both of us.

Yasmin sooner later found out that I lied on Sullen's behalf on turning her in, we talked it out and apologised like mature adults we are, but things still felt off.

Like she didn't forgive me for lying... like she couldn't brush that one mistake under the rug.

That's when she slipped up and sipped a bottle of liquor. I couldn't really do nothing because it was all my fault for all the troubles i've caused her.

I should've killed her at the club's when we first met but I didn't have the guts to do that. She looked too fragile that day and was high off liquor. 

"You did this yourself! You ruined me Knox! You knew what you were doing!" When she said that i couldn't sit there and act like she wasn't lying, she was right.

I did ruin her, med was right, i ruined her to the point i killed her with my own hands.

That day kept replaying in my head over and over again, reminding me of the disgusting horror i witnessed that day.

'She was just my victim, no lover.' I listen to the voice in my head stabbing the sharp blade of the shovel in the dirt. 

Gazing deeply at her blood evaporating in the dirt falling down on my knees, shedding uncontrollable tears. I was cast down. I regretted every action i did right now.

Yasmin did me good, she treated me right. She was the only woman who showed me what true love was and i blew it.

We could have had a family, kids, a home; together. But my urges got to me, my urges failed her parents and their daughter.

"I've got the fire ready, have you dug the hole yet?" I follow my head to where piccolos calm tone was coming from. "C'mon bra."

"Hmm? i'm not done yet!" He sucks his teeth, walking over to my level wiping away the small tear that fell. "I'm good man, it's just deja'vu happening all of again."

"I know, but—"

"Once we dismember her, save some pieces for her parents, I just want them to have a small part of her close to them." I say, referring to her bones i was going to save. 

I know it was a sick thing to do, but that's the only thing i could think of that'll help them cope.

"If you need more time with her then i'll leave you alone. Just don't hate yourself for what you did brother, but at least accept the fact that we warned you that it wasn't going to end well, Med warned you." Piccolo say's.

"Knox, look." He places a hand on my shoulder, "You should've known that every woman you fall for are going to be your victims regardless. You can't help yourself but keep your victims beside you. That's just who you are, that's just who we are."

I nod, "At least she knows that i dug out twenty-one graves for her."

"Speaking of that, who's land is this?" Piccolo stands up, squinting his eyes looking around. "If the police find out—"

"They won't find out, it's the land i brought for us. I wanted to make our house together from scratch." He coo's in awe, i stood up grunting resting on the side of the shovels hand glancing at the empty graves that were displayed all around. 

"So, you're telling me we gon' put two hundred and six bones in each grave?" I pinch his ear. "I'm not weird like you, i don't want to keep it."

"Say's the nigga that eats human flesh—" I catch myself laughing while he followed along. "How much seasoning do you be adding in them hoes? Your stomach looking a little chubby cuddy!"

"A lot." He sighs in relief. "I'm glad that you took a small focus away from Yasmin. It's good to laugh and smile even when you know your heart is broken man."

"I know. But I think this was my last cycle on continuing this route." I glance up at piccolo as he nods. "I'm done."

Lauryn and Yasmin weren't my first victims, they just lived longer because they knew how to make you feel attached to them.

So attached where you tend to catch feelings thinking you'll have a future with them, a future that'll last forever until your hair's turn grey.

Lauryn only stayed longer because I knew her family were all in the criminology field, so I had to keep her closer before my time was right.

Yasmin made me experience things I never thought that'd be thrown at me, it breaks me even more thinking about her and the small length of memories I shared with her.

I know what I had with her was real and true, even though she was my victim I fell for her. And it was a scary moment because she never knew till now that she was sleeping with her killer.

I loved all my victims, but i loved Yasmin the most.

"I love you," I said looking up at the midnight skies that chilled down my spine. "I love you, yasmin." I said again kissing her dead corpse.


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