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"I sprayed her favourite perfume on her before I threw the dirt on her body." I smiled proudly glancing at yasmin, looking back down at the glass of casamigos I held around my palm.

"She loved it, and I thought she would like the sweet smell of it on her dead flesh." I said noticing the small movement yasmin had just done.

I know she was scared of me, and I know that I didn't care if she was.

"That's—sweet .. I guess ?" She replied massaging the scalp of my head.

I like yasmin's presence around me, but I disliked that she always put my problems ahead of her own. Well I'm not saying she doesn't put hers first because she never talks about her past or nothing.

Which I knew everything about, that is totally not creepy at all. I liked to research people's backgrounds before I have a conversation with them, like her friend.


I won't speak too much on her because I didn't know like her, that's my opinion though. My research says it all.

"Yeah, it's sweet I guess. So you and Antwone ? Tell me nigga slurped that ketchup up."

"Boy, eww." She scoffed playfully pushing my head off her lap. "That shit is nasty, he didn't look at me crazy though, I'll give him a point of that, but !"

"But what ?" I asked gulping the liquor slouching my back on the couch. The conversation was amusing me, way to much actually.

It's just something about gossip women tell, it be so juicy and messy.

"He can't fucking kiss !" She widened her eyes placing her palm on the top of her forehead. "When we were high it felt good, but before it was such a huge turn off."

"You got high ?" I asked shocked, I remembered she told me that she never smoked, never hit a blunt or a joint, nada. "You was forced to hit it or you wanted to do it ? I'm surprised actually cuddy."

"I barely slept that day, and I needed it, it's your fault anyways." She spoke picking up her glass of wine.

"Fuck you mean my fault ?!"

"Mexico— Knox don't act dumb." Yasmin rolls her eyes bringing the clear glass up to her lips, I scoffed waving her off, dusting a string of hair that caught my eye. "What was that ?"

"Hair." I looked around, even though her house was clean I knew it wasn't spotless clean which slightly triggered me. Alot of things were our of place, even little things she wouldn't notice but I would. "You need to clean y'all house, shit blowing me."

"Well, some people have work and don't have the time to clean up the little things that's got you squinting your eyes at. "Speaking of that .." Yasmin pauses, gulping the last drops of wine that slowly disappeared from her glass.

"Hm ?"

"I would like one weed please." I snickered covering my mouth, maintaining myself from laughing. "I know your laughing, did I say something wrong ? I was just being polite—."

"Nah, nah, you good." I still held my palm against my mouth, but my urge to laugh exited my mouth coming out to reality having yasmin return me a mug. "Dawg, it's the way you said it."

"I said it perfectly fine."

"Bet, that'll just be eighty dollars and twenty-five cents ma'am." I spoke, starting to chuckle matching her energy, earning a light slap on my leg. "Let me stop messing witchu' so, how many grams you want ?"

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