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The second day in Dubai wasn't as jaw dropping then I thought it was, my period ruined my chances on going in water sitting on jet ski's living my life,

Shaking my ass on yacht like I got no bills to pay.

But I was glad that I got my period instead of getting pregnant, thank the lord. The future talk last night was pleasing and cute, but I wouldn't want kids right now, maybe later.

"Do I look covered? I don't want to seem disrespectful." I asked, admiring myself in the mirror touching the shoulder to foot clothing peice we brought.

"Yeah, but I see your pad poking out." Knox snickered trying to be funny, "It looks like some hard nipple poking out yas."

"Leave me the fuck alone." I whine pushing his chest while he took a step back, chuckling under his breath wrapping his broad arms around my shoulders. "Boy, move. I'm not trying to play today. I'll beat your head in."

"You gon' beat my head in?" His thick brows lit up glaring down at me, "Yasmin, you think you're Ali? You can swing?"

"Of course I can swing, don't play." I smile, amused at myself knowing if my knuckles touched anyone's jaw it will shatter into peices. "Now let me stop, because I know you'd beat my ass."

"Damn straight! But c'mon get ready, I got something planned for us."

"Hmm," I nod, "And stop looking at them girls. Don't try no shit Knox," I'd say I was jealous that he was looking at other women instead of just me, but I know with them he just wants to hurt them and with me he wants to love me.

Not saying hurting innocent people is okay, but my mind knew what I meant.

"Are you jealous that I'm looking at other girls?" I never knew what actually happens in his mind, and I knew it would be sinister and sick, probably not humm like.

"I am, and you need to leave them alone. Because I know if I ever looked at other men," I face myself around to face him, sliding my thumb down his bottom lip. "You wouldn't like that, probably would kill me or him if you had the chance."

He snickered lowly, dropping away the small smile he brought on his face. "I'd never kill you yasmin, you're the love of myself but. That nigga? Of course I'll kill him, I'll remove every single bone he has in his body."

"But play with fire, go ahead." I tucked my lip under laughing, finding myself amused while he I  was playing around.

His grin grew on his face, wider than ever i walked away grabbing my purse heading out of his way hearing his footsteps form behind me. "You were playing right? Yo' yas."

"Oh, my gosh yes! Here, hold my hand angry bird." I slowed my pace so he could catch up, noticing he still had that evil grin on his face. "Are you mad that I let false words eat your head in?"

"Pft," he scoffed, "Never could be mad at you. But can I tell you something, I can trust you right baby" I nod, leading us out of the penthouse heading over towards the elevator that looked like it could cover my whole college debts.

"Yeah, what is it?"

"I um," He seems nervous, Knox unlocked his hand with mine bringing them down in his palms. "P...Piccolo found foul play with Antwone's death— so the police are going to re-open his case, so."

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