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Waking up from the scorching sun, I moaned stretching my arms out covering the brightness so it wouldn't hit my eyes directly. Flattering my eyes, I rolled myself to the other side getting blocked from a hard figure.

"Fuck !" I panicked yelling hitting Knox on his face. "I'm sorry." I whispered moving away from him feeling his hard grip tighten around my wrist. "Wait, wait, I said sorry." I pleaded.

"Hit me again." He says with a raspy voice; angry, as I turned around meeting his gaze staring down at him with his eyes closed. "Get some curtains in this hoe, why the fuck is the sun so bright yo'."

"Let go of my wrist please." I said lowly moving away from him, trying to stand up but my head felt so heavy bringing me back down. "Why are you even in my bed right now, matter fact why are you in my house ?" I groaned rubbing my forehead.

"You begged me to stay." Knox yawned  with squinted eyes, grabbing the pillow he was resting on throwing it towards the floor to wall window. "I'm about to leave, I got shit to do."

"Yeah, posted up on the streets with some dirty draws selling dope." I said causing him to chuckle.

"You're funny, you need to stop drowning yourself in alcohol though. Alcoholic ass." He says getting off my bed trying to fix up the sheet's. "Can you move please?"

"I can do my bed myself it's okay, go home." I replied as he nodded his head, grabbing the gun that was rested on the night stand. "Thank you for staying, this was the only proper sleep I had in a while now."

"It's no biggie, just know anytime I don't answer yo' calls or texts I'm asleep or probably dead."

"What ?!" I furrowed my eyebrows throwing a pillow towards him as he chuckled. "Joking about death isn't funny."

He clicks his tongue. "Mane, it's a'ight, just make sure you look the baddest at my funeral, gon' be a don dada fa'sho." He spoke with a smirk, wondering if everything he was saying was serious or he was just messing around with my head. "I'll tell piccolo you said wassup."

"Alright, bye !" Sighing, I heard my door close throwing myself on my bed grabbing my phone that was being charged on the night stand. "Sullen !" I yelled out her name groaning in pain from the hangover.

"Sullen ! Ohmygosh."

"What ?!" She huffed, drenching in water with her towel wrapped around her body. "Bitch I almost slipped, what is it."

"Let's get our hair and nails done, I don't feel like going to work today, I'll call in sick."

She sighs walking closer to where I was at taking a seat beside me. "I'm in, but what did Antwone want yesterday ?"

"Asking about my eye, which almost resulted on us fucking on his desk." She gasped in excitement pushing my shoulder. "Girl I said almost, and his junk was big ! Bitch I was scared."

"Ohmygosh, yas you pussy !" She laughed holding onto her towel. "Did you at least suck his dick ?"

"Girl no, I don't know wheres his shit had been." I replied picking my back up, resting my head on her shoulder. "I feel like a hoe by communication, Antwone then bash, I didn't wear panties on at the club's yesterday when I gave him a lap dance."

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