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"Sullen!" I let out a soft knock waiting outside of her door. "Girl, I need to talk to you. It's urgent."

The door opens, revealing herself out with her towel wrapped around her body, catching her breath, "I was in the moment of showering, you okay?"

I sent a light smile nodding my head. "But." I exhaled staring at her in concern. "Why would you lie yesterday? About Knox. Do you not like having him around the house or just dislike him in general?"

"Girl, what?" She laughs playfully pushing my shoulder. "I said the truth yesterday."

"Please stop being dumb, just be straight up with me I really don't want no drama between us." Furrowing my brows, "Why would you lie, like?"

"I honestly don't know, I'm sorry yas."

Pulling my brows together, "How do you honestly don't know? You were so keen on me having a boyfriend then act all different when I get one, why didn't you do this extra shit with Antwone?"

She shrugs returning a sad look, sniffing her dry nose as her palm covered her face. "Because I knew Antwone myself personally, I don't know knox like that, and you don't let me."

"Because of the way you act— and when his ever involved in our conversations there's always something negative slipping out of your lips sullen." I frown, lowering my eyebrows,

"Okay like i know his a horrible person, and it's not my fault that i've caught feelings for him. Yes, i know we haven't known each other for such a long time length but the two of us are grown, the reason why we went on two fucking dates to get to know each other more."

I sighed bringing up head up, interlocking my hands together in a ball. "Girl, you know i really hate drama between us."

"I do too yas, and i'm sorry if i keep bringing it back in our friendship." I brought my gaze back down to her noticing the worry in her expression. 

I ran a hand down my face, "It's been going on since college Sullen, you have to fix it, honestly."

"I'm really trying yas, i really am! And I'll talk to Knox, I can fix it, trust me." I felt hesitant at first twirling my fingers together, deciding if my gut believes her or not. "Please."

"Okay." I relied gently feeling herself warm around my body as we hugged, "This really is my last straw with you, so pull the fuck through."

"Bitch, i will." She chuckled looking around, "So, where is he so i can sort everything out?"

"He left in the earlier when you were asleep. His inviting me to see his sibling." I couldn't help myself but spill everything to her, sullen squeals in enjoyed as we held hands together. "I'm so nervous!"

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