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"Fuck you do? Huh?" Causing a scene at my younger brothers school didn't really worry me at all, I didn't care who heard me or what there eyes are seeing or if I'm embarrassing him.

"..." Yak stays quiet, painting that sinister mug he held on his face before my eyes landed on his bloody knuckles, letting go of my grip on his shirt. "That bitch dragged you here didn't she?"

"Yak," I shook my head, hands placed on the side of my waist standing in the front of the school. "Lauryn is gone, respect my girl. What the fuck is wrong witchu'?" I ask, aggressively pushing his head back. "Get that through your head yak, she's gone, we broke up. It's over man."

"Oh? So? What? You just forgot about that girl you dated for two years for a fucking liquor head?" He chuckles, enjoying every single moment of this conversation.

But, my focus wasn't on this, it was focused on why yasmin needed me to pick him up, and why his knuckles are pure blood.

Asking curiously, "What happened to your hand?" I say, heading to where my car was parked praying that he only got in a fight, nothing physical to the peak he used an object other than his hands to beat up a kid in his grade.

"Are you that fucking blind or what bro?" Clenching my jaw, I couldn't help myself but ball my hands in a fist holding onto my conscience telling me to knock him out. "I obviously got in a fight, did 'em clean too. I broke his nose bro, I'm just like you la'knox. I'm just like you."

"And you're proud of that?"

He nodded, smiling happily then ever. Showing out his hands so I can visualise his hands clearly, "The rock came in handy. You think red lipstick gon' look good on yasmin?"

"Don't test me today, enough with your jokes yak. Grow up."

"Grow up?" He scoffs, disgusted at me. "You took away the only female that felt like a mother figure to me Knox. Your supposed to be my big brother, our big brother and you're letting pussy get all over your head."

I sigh, deciding to tell him the real reason me and lauryn broke up. "I took her away from y'all because I wasn't happy," Swallowing hardly, I brought myself in the car as yak followed along. Slamming the door.

"What do you mean? You were the most happiest with her bro, stop lying."

I smile weakly, letting out a faint scoff under my teeth. "The second year of our relationship went down hill. It was like she didn't want to put effort into anything, never thanked me with the gifts and love I gave her. But she wasn't cheating though."


"She just fell out of love with me. But I kept it going 'cause I know how much she meant to y'all even though I wasn't happy in the relationship, it was all an act so y'all could be happy yak,"

"I know how much lauryn meant to y'all but she broke me, literally. She's not perfect as y'all praise her and shit." I say, noticing the words that were coming out of my mouth began to feed in his mind,

Changing his perspective on who my ex really was. We both vented, understanding eachother.

Some information I never knew and some information regarding why he was acting the way he was about her, it wasn't only because of his attachment disorder, it was because she shown him love our mother couldn't give.

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