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Out of inspiration, and because of Writer's Block, I decided to include the different Multiverse worlds according to Smash Ultimate.

There is a theme here, if you can find it.

Game & Watch: GNW-80

Pac-Man: PAC-80

Duck Hunt: DKHT-84

Little Mac: PNO-84

Ice Climbers: ICE-84

Mario: SMB-85

Legends of Zelda: LOZ-86

Metroid: MRD-86

Castlevania: CVA-86

Pit: KIC-86

Metal Gear: MTLG-87

Street Fighter: STF-87

Mega Man: MMR-87

Earthbound: EBM-89

Fire Emblem: FEM-90

F-Zero: F_0-90

Sonic: SNC-91

Fatal Fury: FTF-91

Kirby: KDL-92

Star Fox: STFX-93

Tekken: TKN-94

Donkey Kong Country: DKC-94

Pokémon: PKM-96

Persona: PRS-96


Banjo-Kazooie: BJK-98

Animal Crossing: ANC-01

Olimar: PIK-01

Kingdom Hearts: KDH-02

Toon Link: ZOL-02

Fire Emblem: RD: FRD-07

Wii Fit: WIIF-07

Bayonetta: BYA-09

Xenoblade: XNB-10

Minecraft: MIC-11

Splatoon: SPLT-15

Fire Emblem Fates: FEF-15


Xenoblade 2: XNB-17

Dragon Quest XI: DQXI-17

Fire Emblem: Three Houses: FE3-19

Fire Emblem is confusing enough, so I had three of the games become separate realities in the multiverse.

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