Memories: Team RWBY

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Yang was furious. She was furious at Bowser for lying to her and her friends, at herself for believing those lies, and she was furious at something else. She didn't know what it was and that just made it worse.

She sat down in the chair across Ozpin's desk and crossed her arms. The atmosphere was getting warm. It was then Yang realized she had her semblance activated, her eyes red and hair on fire. She calmed down enough to at least extinguish the flames, but her eyes remained the same.

"Ms. Xiao Long, I know you're upset, but I need you to focus on the matter at hand." Ozpin said calmly, which in turn, calmed her.

Yang took a deep breath and exhales slowly, her red eyes turning back into their original lilac color. She looked to Ozpin.

"Now, I want you to answer at least one question. Just one. Then you may send someone in after you. Is that clear?" Ozpin asked.

"Yeah, I got it." Yang nodded, her tone still hostile.

Ozpin nodded, then asked the same question he asked Jaune.

"What kind of impact did Bowser have on you during his time as your instructor?"

Yang didn't really give it much thought. From the times she encountered him, it was when she spent time with his son, who was a really fun little guy. They got into plenty of mischief together. Professor Port still couldn't find his lesson book, which Jr hid on the top of the CCT Tower.

However, there was one time where she and Bowser sparred for an hour at least. It was by her request after they took on Roman's Paladin prototype, when Bowser first used his semblance. She wanted to know the full extent of it's abilities and how strong she was against him.

Weeks ago

Bowser and Yang stood at least a foot away from each other. The Koopa King towered over her by a few feet, but Yang wasn't intimidated in the slightest. Quiet the opposite, she was ecstatic and a little anxious to fight him.

The rules were simple: It would be a hand to hand combat battle, with Yang allowed to use her gauntlets, Ember Celica, and Bowser without his hammer, Conqrasher. They will continue fighting until the other's aura was depleted. Semblances were allowed. The whole Emerald Forest was their battlefield.

Bowser made the first move with Yang following after. Both opponents locked hands at each other, gazing into each other's eyes. Yang's eyes turned red and gazed into Bowser's darker shade of crimson. They released their grip and both opponents pulled their fists back, ready to strike. Their fists collided, causing an explosion of dirt to erupt around them.

They stood like that for a moment before they prepared for another attack. They locked hands again, this time trying to overpower the other. The ground shook as Yang growled, straining from the strength Bowser was exerting, with Bowser doing the same.



They both cried out and an explosion of fire surrounded them as it burned the grass and trees around them. Yang went for a punch, but Bowser ducked and punched back. Yang blocked the blow, feeling the power behind it. She pushed back, then dodged another punch from the Koopa King's massive fist. Yang went for an uppercut and sent the Koopa King flying and crashed into a cliff.

Bowser jumped out of the dust cloud and lept into the air. He was going in for a body slam but before he could, Yang drove her fist in his stomach. Bowser roared in pain from the attack, eyes wide with surprise. He tanked the hit, his face turned angry, and sent a powerful kick to Yang's abdomen. She was sent flying and landed on her back. She sat up quickly and she was caught off guard by Bowser coming in with a body slam. Yang quickly avoid the attack, a massive dust cloud around the area she was before. She performed a backflip and landed on her feet.

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