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True to illness fashion, Wu Xie was groggily awake long before morning, glaring at the clock on the wall above the door, which not so clearly informed him the time was :I should still be asleep o'clock.
He sighed and rubbed his eyes, looking blearily around for something to keep himself busy for now, since sleep was being a bitch.
His eye naturally caught on the weird guy on the other bed, since he was the only other living thing in the room beside the probably bedbugs he suspects are in the sheets.
He grins.

Seven A.M., the two thank the owner(well Wuxie does, Qiling only walks out like a man on a mission.) and leave the place, getting back in the car.

"Uncle Third has probably already arrived at the next town, or further, since he has many people to switch drivers overnight." Wu Xie commented as he began to pull away from the tiny village. He glanced towards the other and barely managed to contain his laughter, the man in question stared back with a questioning look on his blank face.

"Ah, nothing Xiaoge, don't worry about it." Wu Xie deflected, looking back at the road with a satisfied grin.

They drove for several more hours, neither spoke the whole time, Qiling because he was Qiling, Wu Xie because he knew he would get no answer and that was boring.

It was raining again, and that was boring.

His uncle was ahead of him again, that was.... That could be entertaining.

Wu Xie suddenly could be seen to crack his neck and smirk, probably for dramatic effect, earning another look of question, but that only made him grin a little wider. And anyone who had been in the vehicle with him before would know that now would be the time to be scared.

"Hold on to something Xiaoge, I'm going to catch that uncle of mine."

He almost stomped on the gas, the pressure taking them up in speed so that the outside could be seen only as a colored blur, not a good idea in the rain but who cares.

The Xiaoge simply stared at him, and Wu Xie felt the horrible urge to stare right back to make him feel awkward, but the road was going too fast for him to risk looking away so he refrained from the childish urge.

"Something you would like to say?" He still smirked, as they went up and over a hill, going airborne for a few seconds as they did.

".....a few things..."

That almost had Wu Xie stepping on the break to process, the man had actually responded.


" ..."

"Go ahead then." Wu Xie said, slightly annoyed.

"Drive slow. Rain." Wu Xie rolled his eyes.

"Anything else?"

Slight hesitation, and Wu Xie glanced at him to see him staring at the radio system awkwardly.

"Ah, I suppose that is a safer distraction isn't it." He slowed down enough that he could control the vehicle while he turned on the radio and set it to the local news station.

Staticky and annoying but it would do.

He stepped on the gas again, now with the added sound of the radio in the background.

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