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   "Wu Xie!" Wu Xie rolled over in his sleep, trying to ignore the sound of rocks being tossed at his window.

  "Wu Xie!" He rolled over again, wanting to hold onto the quickly dispersing fog of sleep.

  Another bang and then the sound of glass splintering, and he gave up, forcing himself to stand up and walk downstairs, and out into the yard.

Pangzi was there, throwing garden rocks at the now cracked second floor window, still insistently calling Wu Xie.

  Said person sighed and pinched the bridge of his nose, before he walked over to the larger man and tapped his shoulder just as he threw another stone.


The other jumped."Aish, who told you to sneak up like that! Giving me a heart attack. " He looked down at Wu Xie and paused, then burst out laughing. "Eh, Tianzhen, maybe you should go back inside before the public sees you. Your reputation would be ruined." Wu Xie looked down at himself, realizing that he was still in his pajamas, and felt his shaggy hair sticking up in places.

  He glared at Pangzi who continued to raucously laugh at him. "What do you want that was important enough that you had to break my window?"

  Pangzi paused and looked up at the window, only now realizing that he had in fact spiderwebbed the glass. "Ah, nevermind the window, it was very important."

  Wu Xie tapped his fingers on his folded arms. "And what exactly was so important?"

  "Ah! It was—! " Pangzi scratched the back of his neck awkwardly. "It was.....Aish what was it?!"

  Wu Xie sighed. "Pangzi." He enunciated slowly. "I have a lot going on right now, and I am very, very tired. Please, go away, and maybe come back when you actually have something important to tell me." He turned around and began to take a step away, half teasing his longtime friend.

  "Eh! Wu Xie, I remember now! There was a lady."

Wu Xie raised a brow, and Pangzi rushed to explain, "ah, no! Nothing like that, there was a lady that walked into me earlier, I didn't think much of it, —she was completely flat— but when I put my hands in my pockets after, I found this!" And, finally getting to the point, the larger man pulled out a folded, and crumpled, piece of paper from his coat.

Wu Xie had a vague guess of what would be written on the note already, but he still stretched out his hand to receive it and unfolded the paper, smoothing the creases some before he glanced over the contents.

  Wu Xie, something unexpected happened, I need you to gather the team together and return to the mountain tomb, I have been trapped after a landslide.                     

Wu Xie rolled his eyes at what he was reading. He crumpled the paper into a ball and tossed it back to Pangzi, who rushed to catch it and smooth it out again. "Burn it." Wu Xie said simply, irritation slipping into his voice as he continued to trudge back to the house.

  "Burn it?! Tianzhen! Eh, where are you going?"

Wu Xie blew a strand of hair out of his eyes before replying, not even bothering to turn around anymore. "Back to bed."

"Tianzhen, your Sanxing is asking for help, and you're going back to bed?! Are you possessed?!"

Wu Xie sighed, wishing to all of the ancients that he could just be left alone. "Sanxing is not asking for help."

Pangzi scoffed. "What do you mean he's not? Did you even read the note?"

  Wu Xie debated for a moment whether he should just return to his cozy bed and ignore the world. "That note did not come fwrom Sanxing, for three reasons, one: Sanxing does not trust me enough to request my help in an actual emergency. Two: the tomb that we were in was not in the mountains. Three:he took his team with him already. Oh, and also, that is not his handwriting."

Pangzi paused, uncrumpled the paper and looked it over more thoroughly than he had previously bothered. "Ah." He nodded in agreement, as if he knew anything about Sanxing or his handwriting.

Wu Xie sighed. "Anything else that needs my attention badly enough to break a window?"

Pangzi thought for a moment, then grinned. "Dinner."

Wu Xie huffed out a tired laugh. "I could go for some street food actually." He agreed, earning an approving nod.

"The granny at that one place came up with some new dumpling stuffing. " Pangzi stated in his usual overzealous tone. Wu Xie grimaced as Pangzi wrapped an arm around his neck and dragged him away, loudly proclaiming all the foods that he would like to eat at every stall in the city.

"You're paying right?"

"Why should I?!"

"Come on Wu Xie! Friends pay for each other. Don't be stingy Tianzhen!"

"Well this friend paid last time, and the time before that, and before that. And.... You know what? Can you name one time where you paid?"

"I did!"


"Only everytime you land yourself in the hospital!"

"I've never seen it!"

"Well that's because you always disappear while I'm out buying it!"

Wu Xie huffed. Only one way out of  acquiescing to that very true accusation.

"Well that's your fault for abandoning your 'friend' in the hospital, for food."

Pangzi glared, "just for that comment you're paying."

Back to square one.

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