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Wu Xie sat quietly in the windowsill, the grave robbers notes lying open on his knees as he gazed listlessly out the window.

It had been three days since he had escaped the hospital, and yet he had still not left his own home since arrival. He hated to acknowledge the fact, but his body was still healing. He didn't have the strength for more adventures just yet.

He sighed and closed his eyes as the clouds shifted to allow a bit of sunlight to shine through the glass, warming his skin. At least this way, he could finally have some peaceful time to himself.

He opened his eyes with a soft smile, but his eyes quickly caught on something just below his window, a figure on the street. His eyes widened and he jolted up, moving as fast as he could manage out the door and onto the road outside his house, barely catching a brief glimpse of the figure as he blended into the sparse crowd.

"Zha-!" He started before he was suddenly grabbed and spun around by his shoulder, causing him to stumble and curse.

"What the fuck?!" He snarled, before realizing just who had grabbed him. "Ah, Pangzi... When did you get back?" He attempted to remain unfazed by the death glare the other was sending him.

"When did I get back from where? Huh? From looking for you all around a city halfway across the country you mean? Oh yeah I got back just now you brat." There was a tinge of venom in his words, and Wu Xie almost felt bad for the trick he had played.


"Did you have a nice trip at least? You must be tired, do you want some tea?" He remarked with a nonchalant tone.

Pangzi seemed to lose the ability to verbally respond as he fumed, raising his hands as if to strangle him. "You little.....!!!"

"No? Ok, we'll have a nice day then, I'm going back inside as I'm not supposed to strain my leg right now." He smirked a little as he turned around and walked back into the house, locking the door as an afterthought. It was useless given that anyone who dated to come after him or his relations definitely had the ability to get passed a door lock, but still it felt just a little bit safer all the same.

  He sighed as he sat down on the couch, lost in thought. That had definitely been Zhang Qiling in the crowd, Wu Xie wasn't one to be overly full of himself, but he was confident in his eyesight, and he was sure that he had seen correctly.

  What would he be doing in my neighborhood? Shouldn't he have gone back to my uncle for payment? Or maybe he received the payment already and intends to kidnap me for ransom as well? Ugh, no. Wu Xie everyone and their mom knows that you're not worth paying ransom for in your uncle's eyes.

  His thoughts were interrupted by a loud banging on the door, causing him to flinch. "Now who would be at the door this time?" He muttered as he looked out the window to darkening sky.

The banging on the door got more insistent and with a heavy sigh Wu Xie stood up, glaring at the door while he made his way to answer it.

   He undid the latch, still grumbling under his breath, and opened the door, throwing on an innocent expression just as the person came into view.

  "Can I help you?"

  In front of him stood a tall woman, her dark hair pulled back into a ponytail, with small features.

   "You need to come with me..."

  "Why?" Wu Xie deadpanned.

  "Your uncle is in danger—"

  Wu Xie closed the door in her face, not caring to hear anymore.

   "Uhhh why do these people always try to target me? I'm not dumb. If he really needed help they can go to Ershu." He locked the door again, and walked back to the couch.

  Just before he could sit down his phone began to ring. He picked it up with a little confusion, seeing that it was an unidentified caller. Who is it now?

  He answered the call and hesitantly brought it to his ear. "Hello?"

  "Wu Xie, your uncle is really in a lot of danger, you need to come with me right away if you want to see him again." The annoying door woman stated over the phone, apparently this lady was determined to stomp on his last nerve.

  "Eh... And why should I? You're making it sound like a hostage situation. If you made the mistake of taking him hostage then don't regret it, I'm not taking him out of your hands. He's your problem then."

He hung up the phone and paused as a thought crossed his mind, before he quickly redialed the number.

"Have you changed your mind?" The woman's voice sounded somehow triumphant, and he rolled his eyes as he spoke.

"And don't come bothering me at home anymore, thinking I have the time or care enough to play your games. Get lost." He hung up the phone again, scoffing.

   Annoying idiots.

  He walked back upstairs to get ready for bed. Completely forgetting all of the inconvenient imbeciles he had to deal with as he drifted off to sleep.


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