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Wu Xie chuckled as he leaned against the wall, "I wonder what his face looked like when he saw that." Why didn't this guy do his job and take care of it for them?

He was suddenly aware of a sound in the wall he leaned on, and scrambled to shove himself off of it just in time, as what looked to be a sharpened branch or, maybe a root? Shoved it's way through the wall right where he had been milliseconds before, but he barely had time to process a sense of anything like relief at not being impaled, he became aware of the fact that he was quickly falling to the ground as apparently jumping backwards on a broken leg didn't work very well. Who knew?


He crashed to the ground with a jarring feeling flooding through his body at the impact. "Ahh!" He barely stopped himself from screaming at the pain vibrating through his nerves.

Suddenly another branch forced it's way up through the ground millimeters away from his neck, and he rolled away in a panic.

"Aish! why can't I ever catch a fucking break!" Just as he vocalized the exclamation he saw from the corner of his eye Zhang Qiling leapt at him with his sword drawn, and with nothing else he could do in that moment, he braced for the impact of a sword through his chest,

Who even carries a sword in this age? Not the fucking time brain!

But the impact never came as he heard an inhuman shriek right next to himself, and opened his eyes in time to see the end of a branch fall lifeless to the dirt, while the other part writhed in the air, shrieking in agony as it attempted to return to wherever the fuck it came from.

"Oh fuck." Wu Xie once again rolled out of the things path as it shriveled away back into it's hole, but at the same time drew out a lighter from his pocket and lit it, dropping it down the same way. A moment of silence, before an unearthly howl was heard and a bit of smoke began to trickle up from the hole.

The ground rumbled beneath them and Wu Xie locked eyes with his unfortunate companion. He almost felt bad for the guy getting caught up in his bad luck.

The rumbling grew louder and louder as whatever it was came closer to the source of the offense.

Wu Xie had no time to ponder how he could escape in this situation as he was faced with the sight of Zhang Qiling kneeling beside him. He looked up in confusion.

"I'll carry you, climb on." He stated simply, only a tiny amount of panic tinged his voice.

Seeing no other option, and not having time to think of one, Wu Xie nodded sharply and pushed himself off the ground, somehow making it onto the man's back in a piggyback position before they were running forward, deeper into the caverns,

Like idiots. Shut up who has time to think in this situation? Besides I'm curious what's down here.


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