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Qiling continued to search, systematically reaching around every surface of the wall, while Wu Xie used his finger to catalog his thoughts in the dirt on the floor. He had meant to sit still and regain some energy, but, him being him, his brain had to be working no matter what was going on in the outside world, and so he occupied it with recounting everything so far.

So my uncle will definitely kill us if he finds us, so far we've seen zombies, and vines.... Roots? Wait no the zombies don't seem normal, they seem to be infected with vines. And the tree doesn't seem normal either, if there's are attacking us, then it's a sentient being. It's not just a tree at all...... Unless it's an illusion, if it's an illusion, then it should have a trigger..... Toxins in the air maybe? He shrugged to himself, regretting it when his arm sent a jab of pain to remind him not to use it, and reached into his pocket to find his lighter. He lit it up and watched as the flame stayed steady, if anything it spread out for the briefest of moments, and eventually he closed it again, figuring it was better not to waste oxygen on the flame, since they had no idea how long they would be stuck down here, and his uncle would probably block up the entrance at some point.

"Aish, that's enough." He muttered irately to himself as he painfully pushed himself back to the wall, and forced himself back to a standing position, Qiling paused his search to turn around and watch curiously.

"We'll die if we drag this out much longer, "he paused to glance at the other, he seemed relatively fine, a large bruise was forming on his left temple, and various scratches could be seen on the areas of his skin that weren't covered by his clothing, but other than that no serious injuries could be seen, but then he could be masking it if there were any.

"Anyway we'll die, or at least I will." He continued."unless we find a way out," he began to shift through his various pockets, searching for something. "we don't have much time before either my uncle, or something else finds us. As we already saw, there are no bones down here, so that could mean that there is a way out, or that whatever they were sacrificed to eats it's sacrifices whole. There wouldn't have to be an escape route for whoever made the pit in the first place, they could have either been pulled up by ropes, had ladders, or even been eaten themselves. So we can't rely solely on that. " He smirked as his fingers folded around what he had been looking for."But, lucky for us, I have a backup plan." And with that he pulled out the object, a small bundle of explosives, that had been stuffed into an inner pocket of his jacket.

The other stared at him for a brief second, before giving a passive nod and continuing his search.

Wu Xie couldn't resist pouting a little at the lack of interest displayed. "You're boring." He sighed as he began to tap the walls, looking for a hollow spot or anything of the sort.


A half hour later and still there was nothing, except for one place where the wall felt slightly more worn down. It could be his best bet, but it could also be a point of entry for whatever creature the pit had been created for, in other words it would be a death sentence to break through it.

After contemplating for a few moments Wu Xie sighed in resignation. It could be death, but they were faced with that option no matter what they did, so why would it matter? He turned to the other occupant with a forced grin, "hey!"

The other looked over his shoulder with a blank face as Wu Xie placed the explosive carefully in the dirt wall. "Now seems as good a time as ever to wake up another creepy crawly don't you think." He kept the grin as the timer was set, and rushed to pull himself away to the other side of the room, the other followed and they hunched over against the wall, covering their ears and scrunching their eyes.

In the silence that had reigned supreme over the place for so long, suddenly an abhorrent screech was heard, followed by a resounding thunder as the timer ended, and the explosive fulfilled it's purpose.

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