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He turned in the direction he thought he had been going before his bad luck kicked in again, and cleared his throat, and by extension trying to clear his mind.

Well that was weird.

He shook his head and walked away, once again trying to find the crew he was supposed to be shadowing.

But true to his nature, trouble found him first of course, and before he knew what was happening, something was wrapped securely around his ankle and dragging him— who knows where— into the forest, he grimaced as his chin caught on a random rock sticking out of the ground, and he took a millisecond to be thankful for the fact that he had bothered to tuck in his shirt that morning as it at least somewhat protected him now.

He didn't bother to scream for help, one, because that's embarrassing. Two, because he was so used to this by now that he knew wherever he would be dragged to would most likely be the place they were trying to find in the first place.

At least I still have my knife for whenever this thing decides to stop. Damn it's taking a while. He thought irritably to himself and snatched a blunt rock as he passed by, along with another a moment later, an idea forming in his mind as he watched the dry leaves go by beneath and around him.

This way they'll at least think to search this area maybe. He thought with an eye roll as he continuously hit the rocks together at an angle to make a spark, eventually grinning when it caught on the crinkly forest floor and whatever was holding his ankle sped up to escape the heat.

All of a sudden he was thrown unceremoniously through a hole in the ground that may or may not have been slightly too small for his physique,

not good, since I'm currently the smallest one on the team.

He groaned as he pushed himself up off the floor to face his surroundings.

Beautiful, absolutely fucking beautiful, he thought to himself as he glared at the blank walls of dirt and random bits of rock surrounding him on all but one side.

Guess there's no bad decisions for me to make them. He smirked and ran through the open side, deftly pulling out his knife and flashlight as he took a running leap through the entryway.

Further above, a slight sigh could be heard as an older man watched carefully through the same hole he had just watched the boy be thrown down.

"This boy..." He turned to his crew. "I told you he would find the entrance." He smirked as he motioned for some of them to start digging away at the entrance.

Further up still, a younger man stood silently in a tree, watching with distaste the whole situation.
He looked around him with a blank face thinking through his options.
I could go help him, but from what I saw just now, he may not be as incapable as he appears. But still the way these men make him live, he'll get himself killed sooner or later without a finger lifted to assist him.
He sighed as he nimbly jumped down from the tree and shadowed the crew that had just entered, waiting for a moment where he could break away and get ahead.

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