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Driving became a monotonous experience despite Wu Xie's best efforts, and his mind was turning it's gears for entertainment; a good pastime, for some people, or rather for all people, at some times.

He had very little information on their current destination, so he spared himself the trouble of theorizing on it until he had been better briefed on it. That left either thinking about people, or experiences, he sent a glance to his companion,
Nothing more to get from him for the moment.
The other descendants of the mystic nine are all open books, how boring. They leave almost nothing to wonder about their lives.
He rolled his eyes at the thought.
Fatty is the same, only without the sense of common courtesy my pseudo cousins have, he's also almost twice my age....
He paused in his thoughts, going over the many people he knew, and then counting how many he actually knew willingly.
Damn. Aren't I a sad case? My nearest friends are the idiot I have running my store when I leave, a rude old man, and.... That's it? Geeze what the hell.
He chuckled at the idea, which thankfully the other seemed to be ignoring him so he didn't have to explain why he was laughing at the empty road.
And then obviously I received the short end of the stick with my asshole of an uncle. Always scheming, always drawing me into his wired plots only to kick me out as soon as it gets interesting.
He sighed.
But then again, he did take me in when my parents.... Anyway he took me in when he didn't have to. I wasn't his responsibility, and I shouldn't be mad if he wants to do his own thing, after all I'm just freeloading at this point, I am an adult.
He suddenly heard a shrieking horn as a blur of gray went by and he shook away from his mind, when had another car come up? He looked and saw another hand beside his own, steadying the wheel in his hands. He turned his gaze up that arm and met with the eyes of the other. Was that a hint of concern he saw? No, it must be judgment, this person has no reason to feel concern for him, or maybe, he was concerned for his self, I did almost kill him with my careless driving twice now. He winced.
"Ah, sorry Xiaoge, I didn't mean to." The other simply nodded, and hesitantly released his hold of the wheel, returning to his previous almost catatonic state.
Ah, this is frustrating, can't he speak a little, at this rate I'll go crazy from this silence. Ah.. but it's not his fault, if he doesn't want to talk to me then that's not really my decision to make.
He glared at the road and continued to drive, pressing down on the gas so that this journey could be over sooner, unaware of the concerned glances still being snuck at him now and then.

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