authors note

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Hi, author here, I would like to apologize for my inconsistent writing style.

I have realized since the beginning that Wu Xie's personality in this fic is not consistent from chapter to chapter. I have two things to say about this issue:

1. I am very sorry if this annoys the reader
s, I'm trying to change that habit.

2. The reason: I write when I'm feeling especially stressed, it's an outlet for me you could say, and depending on the cause of said stress, I listen to certain kinds of music while I write. If the music type changes from one chapter to another, then so will the personality and thoughtlines of the characters.

For example:

I was listening to this

On chapter 6

And this

On chapter 7

I think I was listening to this

On chapter 5

And just as a treat, I'll add a song recommendation while I'm at it

Anyway so yeah, that's my explanation for that, hope you all have a great rest of your night and somebody writes more dmbj fanfiction.

I'm out see ya

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